Reliability analysis of post-construction settlement of DMC composite foundation and design optimization |
Wei-hang CHEN1( ),Qiang LUO1,2,Teng-fei WANG1,2,*( ),Wen-sheng ZHANG1,Liang-wei JIANG1,2 |
1. School of Civil Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China 2. MOE Key Laboratory of High-Speed Railway Engineering, Chengdu 610031, China |
Abstract The stochastic nature of the model was used to characterize the uncertainty of soil parameters based on the random transformation of an artificial neural network architecture incorporating Monte Carlo Dropout (ANN_MCD) in order to address the issue that using deterministic analysis method is risky to control the post-construction settlement of ground improved by deep mixed columns (DMCs). The predictions were performed efficiently for post-construction settlement of ground improved by DMCs considering the uncertainty of soil parameters by combining the finite element simulations with a surrogate model. The probability distribution of post-construction settlement with different combinations of pile length, pile diameter, pile spacing and cushion thickness was obtained. The limit value of the post-construction settlement was determined from the target reliability index for serviceability limit state, and linked to the cost of ground improvement based on the nonlinear mapping. The structural design optimization was finally conducted by considering the benefit–cost ratio. The uncertainty of modified Cam-Clay model parameters can be derived from the plasticity index Ip of soft clay with ANN_MCD-based model, with the 95% prediction interval matching closely with the experimental data. The ANN-based model with a separated input layer can individually extract features from soil and structural parameters, avoiding a redundant architecture of ANN and achieving efficient and precise predictions for post-construction settlement of DMC composite foundation. The relationship between post-construction settlement and the lowest construction cost can be fitted by a Logistic curve. The threshold of benefit-cost ratio corresponds to the maximum curvature point of the Logistic curve, and the optimized design should be on the side of cost lower than Cv (highly cost-effective).
Received: 12 November 2021
Published: 25 October 2022
Fund: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(52078435, 41901073);四川省科技计划资助项目(2021YJ0001) |
Corresponding Authors:
Teng-fei WANG
E-mail: chenweihang@my.swjtu.edu.cn;w@swjtu.edu.cn
针对确定性分析方法进行水泥土搅拌桩(DMC)复合地基工后沉降控制存在一定风险的问题,基于Monte Carlo dropout神经网络(ANN_MCD)架构的随机变换,利用模型输出随机性表征土体参数的不确定性. 结合有限元与代理模型,开展考虑土体参数不确定性的DMC复合地基工后沉降高效计算,获得不同桩长、桩径、桩间距、垫层厚度参数组合下的工后沉降概率分布. 以路基正常使用极限状态下的目标可靠指标,确定工后沉降界限值,建立沉降与地基处理成本的非线性映射关系,结合成本效能指标进行结构设计优化. 研究表明,ANN_MCD模型可以依据地基软黏土塑性指数Ip,推演修正剑桥模型参数的不确定性,预测参数的95%置信区间与试验值吻合良好. 利用土体与结构参数独立进行特征提取的双输入层ANN代理模型,可以有效地避免网络结构冗余,实现DMC复合地基工后沉降S的高效高精度预测. S与最低建造成本符合Logistic曲线形式,成本效能分界值Cv位于曲率最大点,设计优化方案应位于成本≤Cv的高效费比区.
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