Uncertainty reasoning model of subjective and objective aesthetic evaluation of car |
Ai-min ZHOU( ),Hong-bin LIU,Shu-tao ZHANG*( ),Jin-yan OUYANG |
School of Design Art, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China |
Abstract From the perspective of uncertain information reasoning, a aesthetic evaluation model of car front face form was proposed by combining subjective and objective evaluation evidence sources for information fusion, in order to overcome the one-sidedness and limitation of the single method of subjective evaluation and objective evaluation. Firstly, according to the principle of human visual aesthetics and the computational aesthetics method, the system of aesthetic measure and index calculation formula was constructed. Secondly, a questionnaire survey was carried out by using the two-pole progressive sorting method to obtain the aesthetic evaluation values. According to aesthetic preferences, users were classified into aesthetic groups. Using the grey relation analysis method, the weight of each index was calculated, and the evidence of subjective evaluation of each aesthetic group was acquired. Thirdly, the weight of each index was calculated using the entropy method and the CRITIC method, and two evidence sources of objective aesthetic evaluation were obtained. Finally, based on Dempster-Shafer evidence theory, the credibility of the subjective/objective evidence information was integrated and reasoned to evaluate the car front face’s aesthetic. Experimental results show that the method can balance the subjective will of the aesthetic subject and the objective reflection of the object, and has good rationality and reliability.
Received: 27 January 2020
Published: 25 April 2021
Fund: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51705226);甘肃省自然科学基金资助项目(2017gs10786) |
Corresponding Authors:
Shu-tao ZHANG
E-mail: 51289547@qq.com;364725955@qq.com
为了克服主、客观单一评价方法的片面性和局限性,从不确定信息推理的角度,提出结合主、客观评价证据源进行信息融合的汽车前脸形态审美评价模型. 依据人类视觉审美原理与计算美学方法,构建汽车前脸美度指标体系及指标计算公式. 运用两极递进排序法调查,获得审美评价值;依据用户的审美偏好进行审美群体分类,运用灰关联分析法计算指标权重,得到各群体主观评价的证据. 运用熵值法和相关性定权法计算指标权重,得到2种客观审美评价的证据. 基于Dempster-Shafer证据理论对主、客观证据信息的可信度进行融合推理,实现汽车前脸形态审美评价. 经实验验证,该方法能较好地平衡审美主体的主观意愿与客体的客观反映,具有较好的合理性与可靠性.
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