Research status of integrated intelligent soft robots |
Tian-ze HAO( ),Hua-ping XIAO*( ),Shu-hai LIU,Chao ZHANG,Hao MA |
College of Mechanical and Transportation Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Beijing 102249, China |
Abstract Integrated intelligent soft robots were reviewed from the aspects of actuation, materials, manufacturing, modes of motion, sensing and control, and the complementary relationships between integrated intelligent soft robots, new flexible sensors and machine learning were discussed. The problems in actuation, modeling and control were also analyzed. Integrated intelligent soft robots can be divided into fluidic driven, intelligent material driven and chemical reaction driven according to different driving methods. The energy source determines the integration method and the movement ability of the soft robots, and the selection of driving methods is mostly based on bionic inspiration. Flexible sensors and machine learning, as reliable tools for soft robots to improve motion capabilities and optimize control methods, will promote integrated intelligent soft robots into practical application. As the future development direction of soft robot, integrated intelligent soft robots that realizes controllable and predictable autonomous motion capabilities imitating the flexible postures of animals have broad application prospects in field exploration.
Received: 16 October 2020
Published: 09 March 2021
Fund: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51605492,51575529);中国石油大学(北京)科学基金资助项目(2462020XKJS01) |
Corresponding Authors:
Hua-ping XIAO
E-mail: 2019310308@student.cup.edu.cn;hxiao@cup.edu.cn
从驱动方式、材料与制造、运动方式、传感与控制方面对集成化智能软体机器人进行综述,讨论集成化软体机器人与新型柔性传感器、机器学习之间相辅相成的关系,分析在驱动方式、建模与控制方面存在的问题. 根据驱动方式的不同,可以将集成化智能软体机器人分为流体驱动、智能材料驱动和化学反应驱动,能量来源决定软体机器人的集成方式和运动能力,而驱动方式的选用多是以仿生灵感为指导原则. 柔性传感器和机器学习作为软体机器人提高运动能力、优化控制方式的可靠工具,将推动智能软体机器人进入实际应用阶段. 实现可控和可预测自主运动能力的集成化智能软体机器人是软体机器人未来的发展方向,在运动方式上模仿动物的灵活姿态,在未知环境勘探领域有广阔应用前景.
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