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浙江大学学报(工学版)  2024, Vol. 58 Issue (3): 510-517    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2024.03.008
1. 湖南大学 土木工程学院,湖南 长沙 410082
2. 中国建筑第五工程局有限公司,湖南 长沙 410004
Optimization of section layout of steel plate composite beam with medium span
Lifeng LI1(),Kun HOU1,Deqiang ZOU2,Hao PENG1,Lingxiao LI2
1. College of Civil Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China
2. China Construction Fifth Engineering Bureau Co. Ltd, Changsha 410004, China
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为了实现钢板组合梁的标准化设计,达到进一步推广应用的目的,以跨径30 m的先简支后桥面连续钢板组合梁桥为研究对象,结合目前中国钢-混组合梁桥的设计规范,以全桥造价及全桥钢材用量为目标函数,以钢板组合梁截面尺寸布置参数和主梁数量为设计变量,并以应力、变形、局部稳定和规范构造要求为约束条件,建立钢板组合梁截面参数的优化模型,并采用遗传算法展开优化分析. 优化结果表明:所提算法稳定可靠、效率高,依托工程的结构截面布置有较大的优化空间. 当桥宽和车道布置不变时,采用6梁式截面的全桥造价最少,相对原始设计截面可节省约13%的费用;采用4梁式截面的全桥钢材用量最少,为128.65 kg/m2,相对原始设计截面可节省约27%的钢材用量. 优化结果可为中等跨径钢板组合梁桥的截面设计提供参考. 通过经济性分析发现,当主梁间距分别取约2.3、3.2、4.8 m时,跨高比的经济取值分别为20~23、18~21、14~17.

关键词: 城市桥梁截面优化经济性优化钢板组合梁遗传算法    

A 30 m span simply supported steel plate composite girder bridge with continuous deck was taken as the research object, in order to realize the standardized design of steel plate composite girder and achieve the purpose of further popularization and application. The current design code of steel plate composite girder bridge in China was combined, the cost of bridge and the steel consumption were taken as the objective function, the dimension layout parameters and the number of main beam were taken as the design variables, and the stress, deformation, local stability as well as standard construction requirements were taken as the constraint conditions. The optimization model of the section parameters of the composite steel plate girder was established based on the above conditions, and the genetic algorithm was used for optimization analysis. The optimization results showed that the proposed algorithm was stable, reliable and efficient, and there was a large space for optimization, depending on the structure section layout of the project. Under the condition of keeping the width of the bridge and the layout of the driveway unchanged, the cost of using the six-beam section was the least, which was reduced by about 13% compared with that of the original design. The steel consumption with four-beam section was the least, 123.69 kg/m2, and about 27% of the steel consumption was saved compared with the original design. The optimization results can provide reference for the section design of medium span steel plate composite bridge. Economic analysis showed that, the economic values of the span height ratio of the section were 20?23, 18?21, 14?17, respectively, when the main beam spacing was about 2.3 m, 3.2 m and 4.8 m.

Key words: municipal bridge    cross section optimization    economic optimization    steel plate composite girder    genetic algorithm
收稿日期: 2023-03-13 出版日期: 2024-03-05
CLC:  U 443.35  
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51978257,52278176);中建五局科技研发计划资助项目(cscec5b-2020-17);云交科教[2017]17号资助项目.
作者简介: 李立峰(1971—),男,教授,博士,从事桥梁抗震,UHPC桥梁、钢桥与钢混组合桥基本理论等研究.
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李立峰,侯坤,邹德强,彭浩,李凌霄. 中等跨径钢板组合梁截面布置优化[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2024, 58(3): 510-517.

Lifeng LI,Kun HOU,Deqiang ZOU,Hao PENG,Lingxiao LI. Optimization of section layout of steel plate composite beam with medium span. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2024, 58(3): 510-517.


图 1  钢-混组合梁初始设计的总体布置
表 1  依托工程最不利状态下简化计算公式与有限元计算的结果对比
h钢梁高度[500, 2 000]1 500
d主梁间距[(B/(N+0.2), B/(N?0.2)]
b1钢梁上翼缘宽度[360, 800]400
t1跨中截面钢梁上翼缘厚度[16, 40]20
tw1跨中截面钢梁腹板厚度[12, 40]20
b2钢梁下翼缘宽度[450, 1 500]600
t2跨中截面钢梁下翼缘厚度[22, 40]22
t3支点截面钢梁上翼缘厚度[16, 40]20
tw2支点截面钢梁腹板厚度[12, 40]20
t4支点截面钢梁下翼缘厚度[22, 40]22
表 2  优化截面的设计变量
14 4621 200260566
568 26913.30
表 3  造价计算时各部分的价格
图 2  以造价为优化目标的优化迭代过程
设计N$ {t_{\text{c}}} $/mmd/mmC/万元Δ/%
初始设计82602 400238.71
最优设计43214 550211.6611.3
62533 180207.6913.0
82212 370212.4611.0
表 4  以造价为优化目标的优化结果
图 3  以造价为优化目标的优化结果截面布置(N=6)
图 4  以钢材用量为优化目标的优化迭代过程
设计N$ {t_{\text{c}}} $/mmd/mmMs/(kg?m?2)Δ/%
初始设计82602 400176.11
最优设计42814 860128.6527.0
62353 180142.7419.0
82112 370158.1310.2
表 5  以钢材用量为优化目标的优化结果
图 5  以钢材用量为优化目标的优化结果截面布置(N=4)
图 6  六梁式钢板组合梁桥的Midas有限元模型
表 6  优化结果最不利状态下简化计算公式与有限元计算结果的对比
图 7  钢材用量与主梁跨径的关系
图 8  截面跨高比与主梁跨径的关系
图 9  以造价为优化目标时优化结果的费用组成
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