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Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science)  2019, Vol. 53 Issue (11): 2129-2138    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2019.11.010
Computer Technology and Control Engineering     
Swarm intelligence labor division algorithm for solving unequal circle packing problem
Ying-cong WANG(),Ling ZHANG
School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Zhengzhou 450002, China
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The unequal circle packing problem (UCPP) is a non-deterministic polynomial hard (NP-hard) global optimization problem. Aiming at the problem, a novel algorithm based on the idea of space allocation, swarm intelligence labor division (SILD) algorithm, was developed. From the space perspective, the UCPP is to allocate the container space to the circles reasonably and efficiently. The core idea of the proposed algorithm is to abstract the UCPP as a space allocation problem, and use the SILD algorithm to achieve the space allocation in the UCPP. The UCPP problem and the SILD algorithm were analyzed from the allocation perspective, where the actions performed by circles were treated as the tasks performed by individuals. Then, stimuli and thresholds were designed respectively for actions and circles. According to the stimulus-response principle of SILD algorithm, the space allocation in the UCPP was achieved by circles performing appropriate actions. Experiments on engineering instances and benchmark function instances show that the proposed algorithm is effective for the UCPP.

Key wordsunequal circle packing problem      swarm intelligence labor division      action      stimulus      threshold      optimization      allocation     
Received: 25 December 2018      Published: 21 November 2019
CLC:  TP 18  
  TP 391  
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Ying-cong WANG,Ling ZHANG. Swarm intelligence labor division algorithm for solving unequal circle packing problem. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2019, 53(11): 2129-2138.

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针对具有非确定性多项式难度(NP-hard)的全局优化问题—不等圆Packing问题(UCPP),基于空间分配思路提出新的求解方法—群智能劳动分工(SILD)方法. 从空间的角度来看,不等圆Packing问题就是将容器空间合理高效地分配给圆形物体. 所提出方法的核心思想在于将不等圆Packing问题抽象为空间分配问题,利用群智能劳动分工的任务分配来实现不等圆Packing问题的空间分配. 从分配的角度对比分析不等圆Packing问题和群智能劳动分工,将圆形物体执行的动作看作个体执行的任务,分别为动作和圆形物体设计环境刺激和响应阈值. 在群智能劳动分工刺激-响应原理作用下,圆形物体选择恰当的动作完成空间分配. 实际工程算例和基准函数算例的测试结果表明,所提出方法是求解不等圆Packing问题的有效算法.

关键词: 不等圆Packing问题,  群智能劳动分工,  动作,  刺激,  阈值,  优化,  分配 
Fig.1 Simplified schematic of unequal circle packing problem
Fig.2 Space allocation configuration
性质 群智能劳动分工 不等圆Packing问题
分配类型 不同的个体执行族群中不同的任务,属于任务分配 不同的圆饼占据容器内不同的空间,属于空间分配
离散型 族群任务由一系列离散任务组成,个体执行的是任务集合中某个离散的元素,属于离散分配 容器空间是连续的整体,圆饼在容器内所占据的空间是可以连续变化的,属于连续分配
适应性 群智能劳动分工具有适应性,即在动态环境下始终能够实现有效的任务分配 不等圆Packing问题要求算法具有普适性,即对所有算例均表现出较好的求解性能
Tab.1 Comparison between swarm intelligence labor division and unequal circle packing problem
Rmin Ra/% Rmin Ra/% Rmin Ra/%
1 9.872 5 51.30 8.312 1 72.37 7.886 9 80.38
2 13.918 5 51.62 11.499 0 75.63 11.035 7 82.11
3 9.116 1 54.15 7.813 7 73.71 7.680 9 76.28
4 13.681 7 48.08 11.190 6 71.87 10.623 6 79.74
5 10.685 4 52.55 8.960 6 74.73 8.610 7 80.92
6 11.425 8 49.79 9.413 2 73.36 8.861 8 82.77
Tab.2 Comparison of computing results for first set of instances
Fig.3 Packing layouts found by SILDA on first set of instances
算例 TS/NP[18] GP-TS[1] QP-NS[6] ITS-VND[12] SILDA
Rmin t/s Rmin t/s Rmin t/s Rmin t/s Rmin t/s
CST5-1 1.751 552 1 270 1.751 600 1 1.751 552 <1 1.751 600 100 000 1.751 600 <1
CST6-1 1.810 077 3 169 1.810 800 1 1.810 077 <1 1.810 100 100 000 1.810 100 <1
CST7-1 1.838 724 5 152 1.838 800 1 1.838 724 <1 1.838 800 100 000 1.838 800 <1
CST8-1 1.864 532 8 428 1.858 500 1 1.858 401 <1 1.858 500 100 000 1.858 500 <1
CST9-1 1.878 813 10 489 1.878 900 1 1.878 813 <1 1.878 900 100 000 1.878 900 <1
CST10-1 1.920 960 14 739 1.913 500 3 1.913 436 2 1.913 500 100 000 1.913 500 <1
CST12-1 1.959 311 10 919 1.949 900 37 1.949 824 5 1.949 900 100 000 1.949 900 12
CST14-1 2.006 005 14 885 1.986 300 54 1.983 071 12 1.980 300 100 000 1.981 000 35
CST16-1 2.031 021 22 418 2.008 400 13 2.008 386 31 2.004 600 100 000 2.004 700 58
CST18-1 2.065 764 25 499 2.039 700 70 2.048 725 14 2.028 100 100 000 2.032 700 43
CST20-1 2.083 187 38 164 2.071 600 93 2.074 201 35 2.051 500 100 000 2.060 200 65
CST25-1 2.143 192 30 929 2.123 600 37 2.124 727 22 2.097 600 100 000 2.112 400 44
CST30-1 2.188 324 63 970 2.167 900 72 2.170 038 10 2.140 000 100 000 2.156 800 83
CST35-1 2.220 271 90 387 2.203 700 367 2.209 698 16 2.171 900 100 000 2.194 100 97
Tab.3 Comparison of computing results of second set of instances
Fig.4 Packing layouts found by SILDA on instances CST10-1, CST20-1 and CST30-1
算例 Rmin
最优值 最差值 平均值 标准差
CST5-1 1.751 6 1.760 0 1.755 8 0.004 2
CST6-1 1.810 1 1.837 2 1.826 2 0.011 6
CST7-1 1.838 8 1.889 9 1.852 6 0.019 9
CST8-1 1.858 5 1.890 0 1.870 6 0.010 6
CST9-1 1.878 9 1.890 1 1.885 0 0.005 7
CST10-1 1.913 5 2.000 0 1.972 5 0.038 9
CST12-1 1.949 9 2.123 9 2.014 0 0.082 7
CST14-1 1.981 0 2.098 8 2.039 9 0.051 6
CST16-1 2.004 7 2.099 2 2.058 1 0.042 7
CST18-1 2.032 7 2.139 8 2.098 5 0.044 4
CST20-1 2.060 2 2.157 4 2.134 0 0.030 6
CST25-1 2.112 4 2.180 3 2.161 8 0.025 2
CST30-1 2.156 8 2.230 5 2.203 2 0.028 8
CST35-1 2.194 1 2.260 3 2.239 8 0.022 6
Tab.4 Best value,worst value,average value and standard deviation of radius on second set of instances found by SILDA
Fig.5 Comparison of elastic potential energy evolution process for SILDA and QP-NS on different instances
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