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Towards resource allocation optimization for big data test field application
BAI Ru-fan, LEI Jian-kun, ZHANG Liang
College of Computer Science Technology, Shanghai Data Science Key Laboratory, Fudan University, Shanghai 201203, China
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Abstract  A two-phase optimization resource allocation solution was proposed to ensure fair and efficient allocation and meet the multiple users’ requirement, who applied for limited resources. First, the trade-off point in term of performance and resources for each type of application was determined automatically according to prevous logs. Then, according to the Dominant Resource Fairness principle, the number of instances that could be put into operation was automatically determined for each class of application to realize implement global optimized allocation. Therefore, characterastics like sharing incentive, strategy-proofness, envy-freeness and Pareto equilibrium on the system level were reflected. The solution’s generality was validated using the Clik+ benchmark package with Docker containers as operating environment. Results demonstrate that the two-phase optimization resource allocation solution can improve resource utilization, which can also optimize resource configuration when several users apply for resources simultaneously. Moreover, the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed program was simulated and validated.

Published: 11 June 2017
CLC:  TU 111  
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BAI Ru-fan, LEI Jian-kun, ZHANG Liang. Towards resource allocation optimization for big data test field application. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY (ENGINEERING SCIENCE), 2017, 51(6): 1225-1232.



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