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Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science)  2020, Vol. 54 Issue (11): 2092-2099    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2020.11.004
Experimental performance of intermittent space heating with different terminals in a self-thermal insulation building
Jiang LU1(),Deng-hui WANG2,3,Kang ZHAO2,3,*(),Shi-yun LIU3
1. College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China
2. Center for Balance Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310007, China
3. College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China
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In order to distinguish the proper heating methods for self-thermal insulation buildings in hot summer and cold winter zone of China, an experimental platform was built to test the indoor thermal environment and heat transfer of three typical heating modes, i.e., radiant floor, fan coil units and radiators, based on the intermittent space heating mode of buildings in this area. The indoor thermal environment characteristics of different heating modes were compared via the use of vertical temperature difference, temperature fluctuation coefficient and time constant. The indoor operating temperature reached the set value of 20.0 °C when radiant floor and fan coil units were used, meeting the requirement of thermal comfort, in the case of outdoor average temperature of 5 °C and hot water of 50 °C produced by an air source heat pump. Under the same operating temperature, the room with radiant floor heating consumed about 12% more heat than the fan-coil room due to the considerable downward heat loss and envelope heat transfer. Radiant floor heating was superior to fan coil heating in terms of uniformity and stability of indoor temperature, and the time constant of the startup phase measured in operation temperature in a self-thermal insulation room was 2.8 h. Operative suggestions are given for an early start and termination during intermittent space heating for the radiant floor heating system, given the thermal environment and heat consumption.

Key wordsself-thermal insulation building      intermittent heating      radiant floor      fan coil unit      hot summer and cold winter zone     
Received: 26 December 2019      Published: 15 December 2020
CLC:  TU 111  
Corresponding Authors: Kang ZHAO     E-mail:;
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Jiang LU,Deng-hui WANG,Kang ZHAO,Shi-yun LIU. Experimental performance of intermittent space heating with different terminals in a self-thermal insulation building. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2020, 54(11): 2092-2099.

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为了探究适宜我国夏热冬冷地区自保温建筑的间歇供暖方式,搭建实验台测试辐射地板、风机盘管和散热器3种典型供暖方式间歇运行模式下的室内热环境和传热量;采用垂直温差、温度波动系数和时间常数比较不同供暖方式的室内热环境特征. 在室外平均温度为5 °C、空气源热泵提供50 °C热水的情况下,在利用辐射地板和风机盘管供暖时,室内操作温度均可以达到20.0 °C的设定值,满足热舒适需求;辐射地板房间由于向下热损失以及围护结构传热相对较多,耗热量较风机盘管房间高12%. 在利用辐射地板供暖时,室温的均匀性和稳定性优于风机盘管供暖;在自保温建筑中以操作温度衡量的启动时间常数为2.8 h. 结合热环境和耗热量情况给出辐射地板间歇供暖提前开启和关闭的运行建议.

关键词: 自保温建筑,  间歇供暖,  辐射地板,  风机盘管,  夏热冬冷地区 
Fig.1 South elevation of experimental building
围护结构 构造 K /(W·m?2·K?1
南/北外墙 20 mm砂浆+200 mm蒸压加气
混凝土+20 mm砂浆
东/西隔墙 200 mm 蒸压加气混凝土+
50 mm聚氨酯保温板1)
屋顶 30 mm砂子+120 mm钢筋混凝土+
50 mm聚氨酯保温板
楼板 120 mm钢筋混凝土 1.20
窗户 6 mm+12 A+6 mm双层玻璃,
户门 普通木门 2.00
Tab.1 Thermal parameters of envelop enclosure
Fig.2 Diagram of heating system
Fig.3 Three types of heating terminals
Fig.4 Locations of measuring points of temperature, humidity and heat flux
测试参数 仪器 型号 精度
空气温度 温度、湿度自记仪 WSZY-1 ±0.2 °C
相对湿度 温度、湿度自记仪 WSZY-1 ±3%
表面温度 温度自记仪 WZY-1 ±0.2 °C
表面温度 温度、热流自记仪 WRZY-1 ±0.2 °C
表面热流 温度、热流自记仪 WRZY-1 ±5%
水温 铂电阻 PT100 ±0.1 °C
水体积流量 涡轮体积流量计 LWGY-25 ±0.5%
Tab.2 Test instruments and accuracy
Fig.5 Outdoor air temperatures during measurement
房间 供暖方式 运行时间 $ {\theta _{{\rm{a}},{\rm{set}}}}$/°C
A 辐射地板 每日20:00—次日8:00 19.0
B 风机盘管 每日20:00—次日8:00 21.0
C 散热器 每日20:00—次日8:00 20.0
Tab.3 Set values of air temperatures of tested rooms
Fig.6 Supply and return water temperatures of heating terminals
Fig.7 Indoor temperature variation with radiant floor heating
Fig.8 Indoor temperature variation with fan coil unit heating
Fig.9 Heat supply and dissipation with different heating terminals
Fig.10 Composition of heat dissipation
Fig.11 Vertical air temperature distribution with intermittent operation
供暖方式 cT /10?3
h=0.1 m h=0.7 m h=1.5 m h=2.0 m h=2.5 m 平均值
辐射地板 12.6 3.7 3.1 3.4 3.5 5.2
风机盘管 4.0 8.0 14.3 35.6 21.5 16.7
Tab.4 Fluctuation coefficient of each heating method
Fig.12 Variation of indoor temperatures during startup stage
供暖方式 T
空气温度 辐射地面温度 非供暖表面温度 操作温度
辐射地板 2.5 h 2.1 h 3.2 h 2.8 h
风机盘管 3 min 6 min ? 4 min
Tab.5 Time constants of temperature rise during startup
Fig.13 Recommended operating mode of intermittent radiant floor heating
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