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2011 Vol. 41 (1): 1- [Abstract] ( 807 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 536 KB] ( 1405 )
5 Lu Wencong Qi Huibo Li Yuanlong
The Tendency of China's Grain Supply and Demand under Globalization
2011 Vol. 41 (1): 5-18 [Abstract] ( 8214 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1120 KB] ( 6532 )
19 Huang Jianrong
Degression of Modern Government' s Legitimacy and Countermeasures
2011 Vol. 41 (1): 19-33 [Abstract] ( 4310 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1321 KB] ( 5472 )
34 Fan Bonai Zhang Ming
A Study on the Determinants of Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers in China :A Panel Data Approach
2011 Vol. 41 (1): 34-44 [Abstract] ( 4163 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1164 KB] ( 4282 )
45 Li Junpeng
Action ,Motivation ,and Self-Concept , and the Formation of Intellectual Ideas
2011 Vol. 41 (1): 45-54 [Abstract] ( 1537 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1097 KB] ( 2985 )
55 Pang Xuequan Feng Fang
″Being-in-the-World″under the Horizon of the New Phenomenology
2011 Vol. 41 (1): 55-62 [Abstract] ( 1564 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1087 KB] ( 3214 )
63 Qiu Ge
Imagining the Morality of Communication from the Perspective of Discourse Ethics : Comparison of and Reflections on Discourse Thoughts of Habermas ,Apel and Bakhtin
2011 Vol. 41 (1): 63-71 [Abstract] ( 1831 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1083 KB] ( 2429 )
72 Sun Yiping
Taoist View of Happiness: Its Impacts on Modern Life
2011 Vol. 41 (1): 72-78 [Abstract] ( 1499 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1069 KB] ( 2644 )
79 Wang Linghao Lawrence B .Solum
A Sketch of Confucian Virtue Jurisprudence
2011 Vol. 41 (1): 79-94 [Abstract] ( 1664 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1142 KB] ( 2397 )
95 Li Yongming Lan Tian
A Study on Issues of Copyright of Ancient Fresco Digitalization
2011 Vol. 41 (1): 95-102 [Abstract] ( 1333 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1071 KB] ( 1922 )
103 Zhao Jun Yu Ye
Roles and Functions of Private Equity Funds in Chinese Enterprises' Overseas Investments
2011 Vol. 41 (1): 103-113 [Abstract] ( 1503 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1120 KB] ( 6681 )
114 Joseph R .Dennis
Financial Aspects of Publishing Local Gazetteers in the Ming Dynasty
2011 Vol. 41 (1): 114-130 [Abstract] ( 1547 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1161 KB] ( 2615 )
131 He Lianzhen Li Hang
Major Inquiry Paradigms of Language Testing Research and Future Trends
2011 Vol. 41 (1): 131-139 [Abstract] ( 1400 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1083 KB] ( 2752 )
140 Ji Xiangxiang Ma Zhihui
A Cross-cultural Study on the Etymology of″Porcelain″
2011 Vol. 41 (1): 140-149 [Abstract] ( 1318 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1109 KB] ( 3437 )
150 Sun Fuxuan
Southward Spread of the Imperial Examination System and Vietnamese Fu Creation
2011 Vol. 41 (1): 150-160 [Abstract] ( 1409 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1113 KB] ( 2839 )
A Hermeneutical Study on the Notes of ShejiangCi
2011 Vol. 41 (1): 161-168 [Abstract] ( 1201 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 5507 KB] ( 1942 )
169 Zhou Shengchun Yang Ying
Origins of Mode of Trust and Characteristics of Chinese Trust
2011 Vol. 41 (1): 169-177 [Abstract] ( 1450 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1079 KB] ( 3074 )
178 Wang Duanxu Shan Jianwei Yin Lijuan
An Empirical Study on the Content Dimensions of Employment Relationships with Chinese Sci-tech Talents
2011 Vol. 41 (1): 178-186 [Abstract] ( 1497 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 5452 KB] ( 2253 )
187 Zhao Zhuojia Bao Gongmin
Handling of Task Conflicts in Knowledge Team :Mediating Roles of Perceived Face Threats
2011 Vol. 41 (1): 187-200 [Abstract] ( 1410 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1245 KB] ( 3439 )
2011 Vol. 41 (2): 1- [Abstract] ( 883 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 555 KB] ( 1471 )
5 Mok Ka Ho
An Examination of Productivist Welfare Model after the Financial Crisis:The Case Studies of Hong Kong and Macau
2011 Vol. 41 (2): 5- [Abstract] ( 1570 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 948 KB] ( 4969 )
17 LIU Chu-Hua, WANG Xiang-Hua
On the General Issues about Decentralization Reforms of Higher Education
2011 Vol. 41 (2): 17-18 [Abstract] ( 6010 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1777 KB] ( 5449 )
2011 Vol. 41 (2): 24- [Abstract] ( 139 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 27 )
25 Chen Xiangge Liu Xiaoju
Happiness Revolution and Happiness Society:An Analysis on Declaration of Happiness in Prosperous Society Issued by the British New Economics Foundation
2011 Vol. 41 (2): 25- [Abstract] ( 3985 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 901 KB] ( 3434 )
34 Shen Guoqin
On the Relationship between Otfried Hoffe's Moral Philosophy, Aristotle's Theory of Happiness and Kant's Theory of Self-discipline
2011 Vol. 41 (2): 34- [Abstract] ( 6837 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 893 KB] ( 5412 )
42 Yang Xiaolan Zhu Jianfang Jin Xuejun
Investment and Happiness: An Empirical Study of Individual Investors in China
2011 Vol. 41 (2): 42- [Abstract] ( 6344 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 932 KB] ( 4331 )
52 Wu Xiaobo Wu Dong
The Effects of Organizational Culture on NPD Performance Based on Grid/Group Model
2011 Vol. 41 (2): 52- [Abstract] ( 6493 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 970 KB] ( 4618 )
65 Zhang Gang Wang Yufeng
The Evolution of Knowledge-intensive Firms' Organizational Patterns for Technological Innovation: Experience from U.S. Pharmaceutical Industry
2011 Vol. 41 (2): 65- [Abstract] ( 6251 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2758 KB] ( 5331 )
77 Wang Duanxu Hong Yan
A Study on the Mechanism of Organizational Climate Impacts on Employee Creativity
2011 Vol. 41 (2): 77- [Abstract] ( 6388 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 946 KB] ( 5951 )
84 Su Qin Tian Xiujuan
Bank Loans to SMEs:A Review of Foreign Literature in the Last Two Decades
2011 Vol. 41 (2): 84- [Abstract] ( 5657 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 922 KB] ( 6000 )
94 Xiao Wen Wang Ping
External Scale Economy,Congestion Effects and City Development: A City Model of New Economic Geography
2011 Vol. 41 (2): 94- [Abstract] ( 6797 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1130 KB] ( 6823 )
106 Liu ChengyuLi XianqiangWang Huanyin
Social Capital and the Control of Rural Credit Risk in China
2011 Vol. 41 (2): 106- [Abstract] ( 7141 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 913 KB] ( 5088 )
116 Zhou Jiehong Wang Yuan Zhang Shidu
An Analysis of Suppliers Behaviors in the Vegetable Safety Traceability System
2011 Vol. 41 (2): 116- [Abstract] ( 3692 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 979 KB] ( 3261 )
127 Ye ZanpingLiu Jiaku
An Empirical Research on the Centralized Jurisdiction of Administrative Litigation
2011 Vol. 41 (2): 127- [Abstract] ( 7141 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 919 KB] ( 5063 )
140 Gao Yu
Historical Process of China's Modern Academic Discourse and Its Contemporary Construction
2011 Vol. 41 (2): 140- [Abstract] ( 6480 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 924 KB] ( 4703 )
152 Zhang Deming
English Travel Literature and the Shaping of Modern 'Structures of Feeling'
2011 Vol. 41 (2): 152- [Abstract] ( 1512 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 906 KB] ( 2520 )
160 Pang Jixian Ye Ning
A Comparative Analysis of Genre Theories
2011 Vol. 41 (2): 160- [Abstract] ( 4487 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 924 KB] ( 4761 )
169 Liu Haitao
Linguistic Networks:Metaphor or Tool?
2011 Vol. 41 (2): 169- [Abstract] ( 8546 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 3176 KB] ( 6773 )
181 Zhao Xiaoqing Xu Qingrui
The Dynamics of Strategy Implementation and Innovation Capability Enhancement
2011 Vol. 41 (2): 181- [Abstract] ( 6666 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1104 KB] ( 4953 )
191 Hu Fengxia Yao Xianguo
Urban Employee's Behaviors of Choosing the Informal Employment and Labor Market Segmentation:An Analysis Based on a Panel Data
2011 Vol. 41 (2): 191- [Abstract] ( 3786 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 921 KB] ( 3444 )
2011 Vol. 41 (3): 1- [Abstract] ( 945 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 544 KB] ( 1856 )
5 Zou Xiao-Dong Lu Xu-Feng
Faculty System Reform in Research Universities: Motivation, Operational Mechanism and Trends
2011 Vol. 41 (3): 5-11 [Abstract] ( 6374 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1566 KB] ( 4762 )
12 Zhang Xukun Han Wenjing
Reform of Basic Compulsory Education System: Target and Route
2011 Vol. 41 (3): 12-19 [Abstract] ( 3089 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1868 KB] ( 3120 )
20 Wu Hongcheng Li Zhanping
Implementation of Education Policy in the Period of New Politics of Qing Dynasty
2011 Vol. 41 (3): 20-27 [Abstract] ( 5720 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1845 KB] ( 4434 )
28 Shen ManhongWu WenboWei Chu
Prospects of a Low Carbon Economy in the Last Two Decades
2011 Vol. 41 (3): 28-39 [Abstract] ( 7155 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2339 KB] ( 7188 )
40 Yang Zewei
The Right to Carbon Emission: A New Right to Development
2011 Vol. 41 (3): 40-49 [Abstract] ( 6242 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2056 KB] ( 6274 )
50 Wang Xiaogang
On the Interests and Rights of Public Interest Environmental Litigation
2011 Vol. 41 (3): 50-57 [Abstract] ( 5932 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1836 KB] ( 4623 )
58 Liu Cheng
A Study on the Trade Union in the Context of Global Economic Recession
2011 Vol. 41 (3): 58-69 [Abstract] ( 6958 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1836 KB] ( 4352 )
70 Zhou Shengchun Ming Xu
An Inquiry into Huizhou Farmland Prices in the Ming Dynasty
2011 Vol. 41 (3): 70-80 [Abstract] ( 6357 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2469 KB] ( 4788 )
81 Zheng Beijun Chen Quanya
The Earliest Financial Investment Market in China:Short Contracts of Ningbo Money Shops (1860-1920)
2011 Vol. 41 (3): 81-90 [Abstract] ( 6676 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2222 KB] ( 4985 )
91 Zhu Zejie Li Meifang
Zhuo Qitu's Baishan Shicun and Yi Funa's Baishan Shichao :A Study and Comparison of Two Early Poetry Collections of Eight Banners and Their Editors
2011 Vol. 41 (3): 91-96 [Abstract] ( 6373 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1775 KB] ( 4281 )
97 Chen Guxiang
Paleography in the Song Dynasty: Decline of the Critical Model of 'Imagery'
2011 Vol. 41 (3): 97-103 [Abstract] ( 5715 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1775 KB] ( 5299 )
104 Wang Ming
Evolution of Gaoshen
2011 Vol. 41 (3): 104-111 [Abstract] ( 5528 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2053 KB] ( 4847 )
112 Jin Jiyong
Implementation of Education Policy in the Period of New Politics of Qing Dynasty
2011 Vol. 41 (3): 112-121 [Abstract] ( 6005 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2124 KB] ( 4885 )
122 Gan Junxian
National Identity and International Security
2011 Vol. 41 (3): 122-131 [Abstract] ( 5686 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2209 KB] ( 5217 )
132 Xu Lisheng
Intercultural Competence Revisited
2011 Vol. 41 (3): 132-139 [Abstract] ( 5933 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1806 KB] ( 5397 )
140 Jiang Wangqi
Early Monographs on Language in China and the West: A Comparative Study
2011 Vol. 41 (3): 140-148 [Abstract] ( 7448 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2170 KB] ( 5190 )
149 Zhang Jianli
An Exploration into Evolution of English Double-Object Construction
2011 Vol. 41 (3): 149-158 [Abstract] ( 6519 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2126 KB] ( 5282 )
159 Zhu ChafenJevons LeeChen Chao
The Market Timing and Market Reaction of Large Shareholders' Sales in China
2011 Vol. 41 (3): 159-169 [Abstract] ( 6401 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2367 KB] ( 6049 )
170 Wang Duanxu Wu Chaoyan
Transfor mational Leadership and Team Transactive Memory System:Mediating Roles of Team Trust and Team Reflexivity
2011 Vol. 41 (3): 170-179 [Abstract] ( 4463 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2189 KB] ( 3977 )
180 Yan Shimei
Studies on the Reasons of Employee Turnover in Mergers & Acquisitions :A Literature Review
2011 Vol. 41 (3): 180-189 [Abstract] ( 4110 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2020 KB] ( 3706 )
190 Lin Xinqi Jiang Rui
An Empirical Study on Relationship between Characteristics of Top Management Team and Enterprise' s Fi nancial Perfor mance :The Case of Chinese Real Estate Company
2011 Vol. 41 (3): 190-197 [Abstract] ( 1151 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1612 KB] ( 2315 )
2011 Vol. 41 (4): 1-4 [Abstract] ( 932 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 543 KB] ( 1749 )
5 Ma Shuzhong Huang Dongsheng
A Cross-Country Study of Carbon Footprint Using MRIO Model
2011 Vol. 41 (4): 5-15 [Abstract] ( 6208 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1219 KB] ( 5843 )
16 Chen Tianxiang
Reflections on the Study of Government Performance Management: Return to the Duality of Political and Technical Rationality
2011 Vol. 41 (4): 16-25 [Abstract] ( 6162 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1180 KB] ( 7804 )
26 Huang XianHai Yang Jun
An Empirical Study of the Effects of Capital Formation and Flow on the Economy of the Eastern Region of China
2011 Vol. 41 (4): 26-36 [Abstract] ( 3793 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1488 KB] ( 3240 )
37 Huang Qing
Reflections on 'keyword criticism' in Literary Research
2011 Vol. 41 (4): 37-45 [Abstract] ( 5984 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1170 KB] ( 6872 )
46 Hu Kexian Wu Xiaohong
'Cujin' in Classical Poems of the Tang and Five Dynasties: A Perspective of Cultural History
2011 Vol. 41 (4): 46-55 [Abstract] ( 3804 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2982 KB] ( 4095 )
56 Wang Dehua
A Study of Southern China Poems in The Book of Songs and the Cultural Orientation of Maozhuan and Zhengjian
2011 Vol. 41 (4): 56-65 [Abstract] ( 7058 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1199 KB] ( 4751 )
66 Zhang Jiemo Wang Ying
Differences between the Hexagram and Line Statements in Zhouyi and the Ballad
2011 Vol. 41 (4): 66-76 [Abstract] ( 6939 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1218 KB] ( 4980 )
77 Xiao Lang Zhang Xiukun
The Subjective Consciousness of Wang Yunwu and Modern Educational Publishers:A Study on A Chronicle of the Commercial Press and New Education
2011 Vol. 41 (4): 77-89 [Abstract] ( 5374 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1212 KB] ( 4279 )
90 Chen Jianmei
Strategic Planning of Wei State in East Hanzhong: A Perspective of Administrative Regionalization of the Three Prefectures
2011 Vol. 41 (4): 90-97 [Abstract] ( 5810 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1292 KB] ( 4607 )
98 Zhang Ran Kylie Redfern Jenny Green
What Motivates People to Serve in Nonprofit Sector: Reflection on Altruism
2011 Vol. 41 (4): 98-109 [Abstract] ( 6063 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1205 KB] ( 5428 )
110 Wei Jiang Liu Yang Zhao Jiangqi
Knowledge Management in Professional Service Firms
2011 Vol. 41 (4): 110-118 [Abstract] ( 6507 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1286 KB] ( 4610 )
119 Zhang Xuejun
A Research on the Evolution of the American Agricultural Marketing Cooperative System and Its Implications
2011 Vol. 41 (4): 119-132 [Abstract] ( 6461 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1242 KB] ( 5136 )
134 Xiang Jiquan Cao Jiaqi
Predicament and Breakthrough: Rural Financial Supply and Farmers' Demand and Policy Recommendations:Sample Analysis of 28 Provinces (Autonomous Regions)
2011 Vol. 41 (4): 134-143 [Abstract] ( 6150 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1264 KB] ( 4413 )
144 Liu Huimei
Leisure Value and World Class Universities
2011 Vol. 41 (4): 144-152 [Abstract] ( 6472 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1174 KB] ( 5941 )
153 He Xiaoxing
The Theory of Dual Contract: On the Foundation of the New Explanation about Externality
2011 Vol. 41 (4): 153-165 [Abstract] ( 5354 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1441 KB] ( 4905 )
166 Liu Zhiming
Financial Crisis Is Highlighting the Problems that Face the World's Development Models
2011 Vol. 41 (4): 166-173 [Abstract] ( 5660 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1164 KB] ( 4781 )
174 Chen Jin Xiang Yangxue Jin Xin
A Study on Economic Linkage Effect and Formation Process of Leading High-tech Industry
2011 Vol. 41 (4): 174-183 [Abstract] ( 5553 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1480 KB] ( 4824 )
184 Hu Ming Liang Bin
Research on the Online Live Broadcasts of Criminal Trial: An Empirical Analysis Based on Questionnaire Survey
2011 Vol. 41 (4): 184-195 [Abstract] ( 3585 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1188 KB] ( 3088 )
2011 Vol. 41 (5): 1- [Abstract] ( 890 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 551 KB] ( 1268 )
2011 Vol. 41 (5): 4- [Abstract] ( 144 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 24 )
5 Qu Jingdong
The Three Conceptual Meanings of Nature in Adam Smith's Social Thought
2011 Vol. 41 (5): 5-9 [Abstract] ( 6663 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1316 KB] ( 4622 )
10 Zhang Zhengping Luo Weidong
An Analysis on the Doctrine of Utility in The Theory of Moral Sentiments
2011 Vol. 41 (5): 10-17 [Abstract] ( 4244 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1989 KB] ( 3437 )
18 Wu Honglie
Adam Smith's Views of Nature : An Analysis on Nature in The Theory of Moral Sentiments
2011 Vol. 41 (5): 18-26 [Abstract] ( 1480 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2238 KB] ( 1614 )
27 Chen Guoquan Zhou Sheng
Changes in NPC's Decision- making Authority and Check and Supervision of Decision Power
2011 Vol. 41 (5): 27-34 [Abstract] ( 1210 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1822 KB] ( 1683 )
35 Wan Bin Wu Jian
On the lntrinsic Relationshi ps among Liberty , Democracy and the Rule of Law
2011 Vol. 41 (5): 35-42 [Abstract] ( 5023 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1711 KB] ( 3888 )
43 Tao Ran
A Study on the New Literary Exchange Pattern between Yuan Empire and Korean Kingdomin the Metropolitan and Vassal States System
2011 Vol. 41 (5): 43-49 [Abstract] ( 3651 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1882 KB] ( 2992 )
50 Zhang Yulai
The Discussion on Copyright of Zhongyuan Yinyun
2011 Vol. 41 (5): 50-59 [Abstract] ( 5919 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2447 KB] ( 4810 )
60 Gong Yanming
Howto Use Academic Accomplishments of Bureaucracy Studies to Explain and Annotate the Unearthed Literature : Taking Two Epitaphs for Example
2011 Vol. 41 (5): 60-63 [Abstract] ( 1239 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1162 KB] ( 1811 )
64 Zhao Xiaolan
On the Evolution of the Aim of Missionaries' Chinese Press
2011 Vol. 41 (5): 64-70 [Abstract] ( 5687 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1664 KB] ( 4517 )
71 Chen Jin Jiang Ziiun Chen Yufen
The lnfluencing Factors of Absorptive Capacity under the Paradigm of Open lnnovation
2011 Vol. 41 (5): 71-82 [Abstract] ( 1373 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2287 KB] ( 2281 )
83 Gao Fen
Review and Analysis of Woolf Fiction Studies in China over the Past 60 Years
2011 Vol. 41 (5): 83-93 [Abstract] ( 3297 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2403 KB] ( 4238 )
94 Zhang Xiaodi Yao Yao
An Analysis of the Effect of Entrepreneurship on Chinese Regional lnnovation and Economic Growth during Globalization
2011 Vol. 41 (5): 94-106 [Abstract] ( 1227 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2635 KB] ( 1602 )
107 Yuan Huarong Xu Xiaoqiu Meng Dongiun
Some lssues about the Related Applied Theories in China's Western Development Program
2011 Vol. 41 (5): 107-117 [Abstract] ( 3721 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2692 KB] ( 2594 )
118 Lin Jinsong
A Legal Sociology Analysis of Certificates lssued by Units in Judicial Trials
2011 Vol. 41 (5): 118-126 [Abstract] ( 3638 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2434 KB] ( 2558 )
127 Li Youxing Fan Junhao
On the Standard for Unspecific Objects in lllegal Fund-Raising : A New Explanation fromthe Perspective of Private Placement
2011 Vol. 41 (5): 127-137 [Abstract] ( 1345 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2717 KB] ( 2040 )
138 Wang Weinong Xu Xiaofan
The Study on lssues Related to Anti-monopoly Regulation on Large-scale Retail Enterprises Abusing the Do mi nant Position : Based on the View of Two-sided Markets Theory
2011 Vol. 41 (5): 138-146 [Abstract] ( 1195 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2135 KB] ( 1815 )
147 Zhao Jun Han Xiaoan
Mutual Encouragement and lnteractions bet ween WTO Rule of Law and China's Rule of Law
2011 Vol. 41 (5): 147-162 [Abstract] ( 3945 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 3457 KB] ( 3661 )
163 Xie Wenwu Xiao Wen Wang Ying
The Impact of Open Economy on Carbon Emi ssions : Evidences from China's Provi ncial & lndustrial Panel Data
2011 Vol. 41 (5): 163-174 [Abstract] ( 1202 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2458 KB] ( 1710 )
175 He Jingtong Xu Lu
Subject Behavior , Expectation For mation and St abili ty in Real Estate Market
2011 Vol. 41 (5): 175-187 [Abstract] ( 3647 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2607 KB] ( 3239 )
188 Jin Xueiun Chen Xue
A Study on the Regimes-Switching of Fluctuations in RMB Exchange Rate Risk Premium
2011 Vol. 41 (5): 188-199 [Abstract] ( 3630 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2759 KB] ( 3333 )
2011 Vol. 41 (6): 1-4 [Abstract] ( 871 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 547 KB] ( 1418 )
2011 Vol. 41 (6): 4- [Abstract] ( 143 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 24 )
5 Wang Yong
From 'Chinese Classics' to 'Overseas Chinese Classics'
2011 Vol. 41 (6): 5-11 [Abstract] ( 6059 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1235 KB] ( 5125 )
12 Wang Liping
The Early Spread in China of Ennin's The Record of a Pilgrimage to Chinain Search of the Law
2011 Vol. 41 (6): 12-17 [Abstract] ( 6402 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1232 KB] ( 4863 )
18 Chen Xiaofa
Inheritance and Innovation of Chinese Words Overseas: A Case Study on Sakugen Shūryō's Work  Syotosyū in Medieval Japan
2011 Vol. 41 (6): 18-22 [Abstract] ( 6026 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1233 KB] ( 4238 )
2011 Vol. 41 (6): 22- [Abstract] ( 164 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 25 )
23 Yu Jianxing Shen Yongdong Wu Xun
The Role of Industry Association in Industrial Upgrading: Types and Mechanism
2011 Vol. 41 (6): 23-35 [Abstract] ( 6100 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1764 KB] ( 4136 )
36 Zhou Jun Song Xiaoqing
Public Functions of Industrial Associations and Their Reconstruction:Cases of Hangzhou and Wenzhou Industrial Associations
2011 Vol. 41 (6): 36-46 [Abstract] ( 5816 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1280 KB] ( 4756 )
47 Zhang Wei Zhao Yulin
Study on the Construction of Interdisciplinary Research Organization System and Its Enlightenment for Universities in China
2011 Vol. 41 (6): 47-58 [Abstract] ( 5616 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2022 KB] ( 3627 )
59 Zhang Wei Zou Xiaodong
The Evolutionary Characteristics and Innovative Strategies in the Development of Interdisciplinary Academic Organizations in China
2011 Vol. 41 (6): 59-66 [Abstract] ( 5598 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1223 KB] ( 3690 )
67 Zhang Xiaodi Wang Yongqi
An Empirical Test on the Validity of Capital Accumulation Caused by Trade Structure under Financial Market Constraints
2011 Vol. 41 (6): 67-80 [Abstract] ( 5397 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1452 KB] ( 4137 )
81 Ye Hang Wang Guoliang
Reconstruction of Exclusive Mechanism and Equalization of Benefit from Quasi-public Goods: A New Path to the Realization of Inclusive Growth
2011 Vol. 41 (6): 81-90 [Abstract] ( 3437 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1246 KB] ( 2579 )
91 Wang Zhikai Shi Jinchuan
The Imbalanced Development of China's Regional Economy: Cause Analysis
2011 Vol. 41 (6): 91-103 [Abstract] ( 6384 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1400 KB] ( 5961 )
104 Wang Houji Wang Weiquan Hu Wei
On the Evolution of the Regional Economic Integration of the Yangtze River Delta
2011 Vol. 41 (6): 104-112 [Abstract] ( 6272 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1468 KB] ( 4486 )
113 Wu Yuemin
Sexism Discourse and Chinese and Western Cultural Discrepancies
2011 Vol. 41 (6): 113-120 [Abstract] ( 6415 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1441 KB] ( 7234 )
121 Zhang Jianli Liu Qi
A Cognitive Construction Grammar Approach to Homonymous Sentences
2011 Vol. 41 (6): 121-131 [Abstract] ( 6358 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1506 KB] ( 5116 )
132 Liu Yang Wei Jiang Ying Ying
Organizational Ambidexterity: A New Paradigm for Management Research
2011 Vol. 41 (6): 132-142 [Abstract] ( 8973 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1447 KB] ( 6089 )
143 Liu Jingjiang Chen Lu
Research on the Relationship between Entrepreneurial Orientation, Learning Patterns and New Product Development Performance
2011 Vol. 41 (6): 143-156 [Abstract] ( 6123 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1454 KB] ( 4113 )
157 Zhang Kai
Eastern Zhejiang Historiography and the Transformation of Classical Studies and Historiography in the Republic of China: A Study on Liu Xianxin and Meng Wentong
2011 Vol. 41 (6): 157-168 [Abstract] ( 6476 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1278 KB] ( 3941 )
169 Jiang Xiaoguang Xu Jie
The Arguments on the Emperor Temple System under Yuan and Cheng's Reign in the Han Dynasty and the Structure and Impact of 'Changyang Fu'
2011 Vol. 41 (6): 169-180 [Abstract] ( 6274 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1294 KB] ( 3770 )
181 Zhang Guanghai
Controversy on Petty Bourgeoisie Between Mao Dun and the Revolutionary Literati
2011 Vol. 41 (6): 181-189 [Abstract] ( 6535 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1250 KB] ( 4299 )
190 Wang Chaohong
Textual Research on Four Rarely Seen Dramas of the Qing Dynasty Collected by Zhejiang Library
2011 Vol. 41 (6): 190-195 [Abstract] ( 6235 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1227 KB] ( 3542 )
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