Double RSA accumulator based stateless transaction verification scheme |
Jin-sheng YANG1( ),Hao WANG1,Zhen GAO2,*( ),Zhao-hui GUO1 |
1. School of Microelectronics, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China 2. School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China |
Abstract A double RSA accumulator based stateless transaction verification scheme was proposed for the UTXO-model blockchain such as Bitcoin in order to release the storage burden in each node brought by the growing state data in blockchain. Fixed-size cryptographic commitments were used to replace the state data, which dramatically reduced the local storage on the basis of ensuring that nodes can independently verify transactions. The complicated delete operation was replaced by two efficient addition operations based on the properties of the RSA accumulator, which greatly reduced the computational overheads of the system at the cost of less communication overheads and ensured the efficiency of the transaction verification. The experimental results show that the scheme has a higher node storage compression ratio than the traditional blockchain, and has a fixed additional communication overhead and higher transaction verification efficiency than other stateless schemes.
Received: 15 July 2022
Published: 17 January 2023
Corresponding Authors:
Zhen GAO
E-mail: jsyang@tju.edu.cn;zgao@tju.edu.cn
为了缓解区块链中不断膨胀的状态数据给节点带来的存储压力,针对以比特币为代表的UTXO模型区块链,提出基于双RSA累加器的无状态交易验证方案. 该方案利用固定大小的密码学承诺取代状态数据,在保证节点能够独立验证交易的基础上,大幅降低本地存储. 基于RSA累加器的特性,利用2次高效的添加操作替换了复杂的删除操作,以较少的通信开销为代价,大幅降低系统的计算开销,保证交易验证的效率. 实验结果表明,该方案相比于传统的区块链拥有较高的节点存储压缩率,相比于其他无状态方案拥有固定的额外通信开销及较高的交易验证效率.
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