Nonlinear force control of adaptive beam sting structure |
CHENG Hua-qiang, LUO Yao-zhi, XU Xian |
Space Structures Research Center, Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058, China |
Abstract A force control algorithm based on local analysis method was proposed according to the action of prestress in adaptive beam string structure and the controllability of adjustable bar. The optimization model of linear force control algorithm for optimizing structural force status was established when the structure worked under external loads. Adjustment of the adjustable bar was acquired from solving the optimization model by simulated annealing algorithm. Considering the geometric nonlinearity, a nonlinear iteration was introduced to calibrate the result of the linear force control analysis to form the nonlinear force control algorithm. The feasibility of the nonlinear force control algorithm was verified by the analysis of the working performance of a multi-bars adaptive beam sting structure numerical example under different external loads.
Published: 04 August 2014
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