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Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science)  2021, Vol. 55 Issue (7): 1270-1278    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2021.07.006
Classification method of fMRI data based on broad learning system
Jia-cheng LIU(),Jun-zhong JI*()
Faculty of Information Technology, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
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A functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data classification method based on broad learning system was proposed. The deep features of fMRI data were extracted through a simple structure to speed up the classification. Using the time series of the mean values of the voxel in the region of interest in fMRI the input data was constructed. The shallow and deep features of fMRI data were extracted respectively, mapped to feature nodes and enhancement nodes for broad learning, and a model framework was built. Ridge regression was used to inversely calculate the connection weights of the classification model to achieve fMRI data classification. ABIDE I, ABIDE II and ADHD-200 were used to compare the proposed method with six classification methods. Results show that the proposed method can maintain good classification accuracy while reduce training time greatly.

Key wordsfunctional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data classification      deep learning      broad learning system      random feature mapping      feature enhancement      ridge regression inverse     
Received: 04 March 2020      Published: 05 July 2021
CLC:  TP 391  
Fund:  国家自然科学基金资助项目(61672065,61906010);北京市教委科技计划一般项目(KM202010005032)
Corresponding Authors: Jun-zhong JI     E-mail:;
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Jia-cheng LIU,Jun-zhong JI. Classification method of fMRI data based on broad learning system. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2021, 55(7): 1270-1278.

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提出基于宽度学习系统的功能性磁共振成像(fMRI)数据分类方法,通过简单结构提取fMRI数据的深层特征,加快分类速度. 使用fMRI中感兴趣区域体素均值的时间序列构造输入数据,分别提取fMRI数据的浅层和深层特征,映射为宽度学习的特征节点和增强节点并构建模型框架,利用岭回归逆计算分类模型的连接权值,实现对fMRI数据的分类. 使用ABIDE Ⅰ、ABIDE Ⅱ和ADHD-200数据集,将所提方法与6种分类方法进行对比实验,结果表明,所提方法可以在保持良好的分类准确率的同时,大幅度降低训练时间.

关键词: 功能性磁共振成像(fMRI)数据分类,  深度学习,  宽度学习系统,  随机特征映射,  特征增强,  岭回归逆 
Fig.1 Basic structure of broad learning system
Fig.2 Function diagram of classification method of fMRI data based on broad learning
数据集 样本量/个 正常被试量/个 患者量/个 机构量/个
ABIDE Ⅰ 1 096 569 527 17
ABIDE Ⅱ 1 043 556 487 16
ADHD-200 445 277 168 4
Tab.1 Detail of three data sets
Fig.3 Values of accuracy under different parameters
数据集 N1 N2 n3
ABIDE I 10 10 10 000
ABIDE II 10 10 10 000
ADHD-200 9 11 5 000
Tab.2 Parameter settings for three data sets
方法 结构
SVM 使用Puthon中的默认模块函数,设置神经节点数为10
RF 使用Puthon中的默认模块函数,设置神经节点数为10
KNN 使用Puthon中的默认模块函数,设置神经节点数为10
DNN [6 670,1 000,600,96,2]
GCN [116*116,32@116*116,64@1*116,128@116*1,96,2]
CCNN [116*116,32@116*116,64@1*116,128@116*1,96,2]
Tab.3 Parameter settings of comparison method
方法类别 方法 Acc /% Pr /% Sn /% Sp /% F-measure
传统机器学习 SVM 57.81 55.92 88.37 24.89 68.48
RF 62.40 62.52 69.24 55.09 65.59
KNN 58.80 56.73 87.60 27.77 68.81
深度学习 GCN 64.59 62.62 64.33 58.36 63.33
CCNN 65.60 64.61 76.77 53.49 69.66
DNN 63.98 65.24 67.13 60.71 65.86
宽度学习 本文 64.48 78.21 63.12 50.85 69.91
Tab.4 Experimental results of seven algorithms on ABIDE Ⅰ data set
方法类别 方法 Acc /% Pr /% Sn /% Sp /% F-measure
传统机器学习 SVM 54.26 53.90 98.66 3.57 69.70
RF 61.18 61.43 73.38 47.26 66.83
KNN 56.63 58.85 63.74 48.61 60.76
深度学习 GCN 62.03 64.52 72.73 54.17 68.38
CCNN 65.47 66.73 70.69 59.49 68.52
DNN 66.07 66.58 74.11 74.11 69.90
宽度学习 本文 65.29 86.67 62.93 40.28 72.55
Tab.5 Experimental results of seven algorithms on ABIDE Ⅱ data set
方法类别 方法 Acc /% Pr /% Sn /% Sp /% F-measure
传统机器学习 SVM 59.04 64.98 36.97 80.65 46.84
RF 59.21 59.83 53.53 64.77 56.40
KNN 58.93 61.93 45.79 71.76 52.22
深度学习 GCN 60.61 57.97 48.57 66.21 50.77
CCNN 60.28 59.27 59.11 60.00 58.88
DNN 62.73 59.40 61.85 63.17 61.82
宽度学习 本文 61.19 51.33 64.11 72.92 56.20
Tab.6 Experimental results of seven algorithms on ADHD-200 data set
Fig.4 Comparison time and accuracy on three data sets
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