Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering |
Tests on resonance and vibration mitigation responses of high-rise building under machine excitations |
Pei LIU1,2( ),Hai-xin ZHU1,Wei-guo YANG1,Nan-qi HUANGFU1 |
1. School of Civil Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China 2. Beijing’s Key Laboratory of Structural Wind Engineering and Urban Wind Environment, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China |
Abstract Tests were conducted in a 13-storied residential building where obvious horizontal vibration often occurred. One-third octave spectra and weighted acceleration levels were computed from the measured floor acceleration time histories in order to assess the human comfort levels. Modal parameters of the building were identified by using the frequency domain decomposition method. The inspection of the vibration sources around the building showed that the working frequency of the stone sawing machines in the nearby factories was 1.5 Hz which was the same as the fundamental natural frequency of the building causing resonance responses. Influences of number of working machines on the vibration responses of the building were measured. Results showed that the floor acceleration exceeded the limit when four machines were working in the factory about 200 m away from the building. The measured resonance responses of another building about 500 m away from the factory decreased. Frequency converters were installed on the machines to reduce vibration of the building. Floor accelerations of the building were measured under working frequencies 1.33 Hz and 1.2 Hz of the machines, which were significantly reduced. Results show that excitation intensity, distance between excitation and structure, difference between frequencies of excitation and structure are the key factors influencing structural resonance responses under external excitation of single frequency component.
Received: 14 January 2019
Published: 05 January 2020
对某经常出现明显水平振动的13层住宅楼进行测试. 由楼层加速度时程计算得到1/3倍频程谱和振动计权加速度级,评价各楼层的人体舒适度,利用频域分解法识别得到结构的动力特性. 通过振源排查,鉴定该楼周边采石场锯石机的工作频率1.5 Hz与结构基本自振频率相同而发生共振. 测试机器工作台数对结构响应的影响,发现距结构约200 m的采石场4台机器同时工作会导致结构振动超限. 距该采石场约500 m的另一住宅楼的实测共振响应减小. 对锯石机安装变频器作为减振措施,测试机器以1.33和1.2 Hz工作时结构的响应,减振效果明显. 结果表明,振源强度、振源与结构间距、振源与结构频率接近程度是影响外部单一频率激励引起的结构共振响应是否超限的关键因素.
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