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浙江大学学报(工学版)  2022, Vol. 56 Issue (5): 987-994, 1005    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2022.05.016
1. 浙江大学 计算机科学与技术学院,浙江 杭州 310027
2. 中南大学 计算机学院,湖南 长沙 410012
Cooperative control algorithm of multi-intersection variable-direction lanes based on reinforcement learning
Xiao-gao XU1(),Ying-jie XIA1,*(),Si-yu ZHU1,Li KUANG2
1. College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
2. School of Computer Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410012, China
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为了解决传统的可变导向车道控制方法无法适应多路口场景下的复杂交通流的问题,提出基于多智能体强化学习的多路口可变导向车道协同控制方法来缓解多路口的交通拥堵状况. 该方法对多智能体强化学习 (QMIX)算法进行改进,针对可变导向车道场景下的全局奖励分配问题,将全局奖励分解为基本奖励与绩效奖励,提高了拥堵场景下对车道转向变化的决策准确性. 引入优先级经验回放算法,以提升经验回放池中转移序列的利用效率,加速算法收敛. 实验结果表明,本研究所提出的多路口可变导向车道协同控制方法在排队长度、延误时间和等待时间等指标上的表现优于其他控制方法,能够有效协调可变导向车道的策略切换,提高多路口下路网的通行能力.

关键词: 可变导向车道强化学习多智能体自适应控制智能交通    

A cooperative control algorithm of multi-intersection variable-direction lanes based on multi-agent reinforcement learning was proposed to alleviate the congestion of multi-intersection, in order to solve the problem that traditional variable-direction lane control method can't adapt to the complex traffic flow problem under multiple intersections scenarios. In this method, the deep multi-agent reinforcement learning (QMIX ) algorithm was improved. The global reward under variable-direction lane scenarios was composed of basic reward and performance reward, which improved the decision-making accuracy of lane turn control in congestion scenarios. The priority experience playback algorithm was introduced to improve the utilization efficiency of the transfer sequence in the experience playback pool and accelerate the algorithm convergence. Experimental results show that the algorithm has better performance than other control methods in case of queue length, delay times and waiting times, which can effectively coordinate the policy switch of the variable-direction lanes and improve the road network capacity in the multi-intersection scenarios.

Key words: variable-direction lane    reinforcement learning    multi-agent    adaptive control    intelligent transportation
收稿日期: 2021-05-23 出版日期: 2022-05-31
CLC:  TP 391  
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61873232)
通讯作者: 夏莹杰     E-mail:;
作者简介: 徐小高(1997—),男,硕士,从事智慧交通及强化学习研究. E-mail:
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徐小高,夏莹杰,朱思雨,邝砾. 基于强化学习的多路口可变车道协同控制方法[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2022, 56(5): 987-994, 1005.

Xiao-gao XU,Ying-jie XIA,Si-yu ZHU,Li KUANG. Cooperative control algorithm of multi-intersection variable-direction lanes based on reinforcement learning. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2022, 56(5): 987-994, 1005.


图 1  多路口可变导向车道协同控制方法整体架构
图 2  多智能体强化学习模型
图 3  车辆位置矩阵示意图
图 4  全局奖励分解算法
图 5  实验路网区域结构图
图 6  测试集中算法奖励指标对比结果
图 7  测试集中各交通指标对比结果
图 8  多智能体强化学习算法训练过程奖励指标对比
图 9  多智能体强化学习算法训练过程中交通指标对比
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