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王冕, 曲东昌, 陈国柱
浙江大学 电气工程学院,浙江 杭州 310027
EMC performance improvement of auxiliary power supplies in three phase PWM converters
WANG Mian, QU Dong chang, CHEN Guo zhu
College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
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Auxiliary power supplies of the power electronic devices in three phase pulse width modulation (PWM) converters were interfered by electro magnetic interfere (EMI) noises. Electro magnetic compatibility (EMC) performance improvement of the power supplies was analyzed. The high frequency EMI source caused by high frequency switching devices of the three phase converter was quantitatively analyzed and calculated. The high frequency models of the converter and its auxiliary power supplies were given in detail. Three EMI conduction routes were illustrated based on the high frequency modeling. Route Ⅰ and Ⅱ are between main circuit and the supplies. Route Ⅲ is between different supplies. The equivalent circuits and the corresponding transfer functions of the three conduction routes were obtained through the high frequency model. Methods to suppress the interferences and improve the EMC performance of the auxiliary power supplies were proposed. The simulation and experimental results validate that interference between different supplies is the main EMI noise and can be greatly reduced through paralleled capacitors on the output of the power supplies.

出版日期: 2016-04-01


通讯作者: 陈国柱,男,博导.ORCID: 0000 0002 4565 090X.     E-mail:
作者简介: 王冕(1990—),男,博士生,从事新能源发电大功率变换的研究.ORCID: 0000 0002 0104 0886. E-mail:
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WANG Mian, QU Dong chang, CHEN Guo zhu. EMC performance improvement of auxiliary power supplies in three phase PWM converters. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY (ENGINEERING SCIENCE), 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2016.04.009.


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