Integrated security control method for industrial cyber-physical system with attack and fault |
Wei LI( ),Jian-jun ZHANG |
College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China |
Abstract The problems of actuator fault and FDI attacks estimation, integrated security control and communication co-design were analyzed for industrial cyber-physical system (ICPS) with false data injection (FDI) attacks and actuator fault under the discrete event-triggered communication scheme (DETCS) through comprehensively using some less conservative technologies such as the Lyapunov stability theory and affine Bessel-Legendre inequality. The integrated security control architecture of ICPS under DETCS was given, and the design of the robust estimator and integrated security controller was unified in the same non-uniform data transmission mechanism by starting from the situation of actively defense attacks and considering the efficient using and reasonable allocation of communication resources and computing resources. The actuator fault and FDI attacks were expanded to the same vector. The design method of the system state and the augmented fault robust estimator was given. A separate and compensated defense strategy was adopted for FDI attacks in two-side networks of actuating and sensing based on the obtained estimation results and event trigger conditions. The method to compensate actuator fault was used for actuator failure. An integrated security controller’s design method was provided. Then the integrated security control and communication co-design of active attack and fault tolerance for FDI attacks and actuator fault were realized. The effectiveness of the proposed method was verified by the simulation of a numerical and a quadruple-tank example.
Received: 03 July 2020
Published: 30 July 2021
Fund: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61364011,61763027) |
针对同时存在假数据注入(FDI)攻击与执行器故障的工业信息物理融合系统(ICPS),在离散事件触发机制(DETCS)下,综合应用Lyapunov稳定性理论及更具少保守性的仿射Bessel-Legendre不等式,研究执行器故障与FDI攻击估计、综合安全控制与通讯协同设计问题. 从主动防御攻击的态势入手,综合考虑通讯资源与计算资源的高效利用与合理分配,给出DETCS下的ICPS综合安全控制架构,将鲁棒估计器与综合安全控制器的设计统一于同一非均匀数据传输机制下. 将执行器故障与FDI攻击增广为同一向量,给出系统状态、增广故障鲁棒估计器的设计方法. 基于所得估计结果并结合事件触发条件,对执行和传感双侧网络中的FDI攻击分别采用分离与补偿的防御策略,对执行器故障进行故障调节,给出综合安全控制器设计方法,实现对FDI攻击和执行器故障主动容侵和主动容错的综合安全控制与通讯协同设计. 通过数值算例和四容水箱实例,仿真验证了提出方法的有效性.
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