Information divergence based process fault detection and diagnosis |
CAO Yuping, TIAN Xuemin |
College of Information and Control Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Dongying 257061, China |
Abstract A nonlinear process fault detection and diagnosis method was presented based on the information divergence in order to utilize the nonGaussian fault characteristic in Kalman filter innovation. An unscented Kalman filter was used to produce the innovation sequence, and the kernel density estimation was applied to obtain the probability distribution of the innovation. Then an information divergence statistic was constructed to monitor the state of the process. Once a fault was detected, a symmetric information divergence was introduced to isolate the fault by measuring the distance between the monitored process and the fault process in fault database. Simulation results on the continuous stirred tank reactor demonstrate that the method can detect the fault in time and correctly distinguish the fault type.
Published: 01 July 2010
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