Single-line laser scanning path planning for wire arc and additive manufacturing |
Jia-ao JIN1,2(),Hong-yao SHEN1,2,*(),Yang-fan SUN1,2,Jia-hao LIN1,2,Jing-ni CHEN1,2 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power and Mechatronic Systems, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China 2. Key Laboratory of 3D Printing Process and Equipment of Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China |
Abstract The CAD model was used as input in order to obtain the shape and size information of the part in wire arc and additive manufacturing (WAAM). The working constraints of the single-line laser scanner were analyzed through experiments. The algorithm of scanning path generation for single-line laser automatic measurement was realized, and the effectiveness of the method was verified by simulation and experiment. The appropriate scanning distance and scanning angle were obtained as the path planning constraints through multiple experiments. The single scan path for the input model was iteratively generated by using methods such as maximum connected region solving algorithm, minimum projection rectangle solving, equal overlapping path planning, etc. The nearest point search and collision detection algorithm were used for a single path optimization in order to generate the trajectory of robot end in series. The trajectory was corrected by simulation. The experimental results show that the path planning method can achieve great measurement accuracy, efficiency and coverage for WAAM part. The measurement results can provide rich profile information for the subsequent additive and subtractive hybrid manufacturing process.
Received: 01 March 2022
Published: 17 January 2023
Fund: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51975518,51821093);国家青年科学基金资助项目(52005438);浙江省杰出青年科学基金资助项目(LR22E050002);宁波市科技计划资助项目(2020Z012);浙江省重点研发计划资助项目(2021C01096) |
Corresponding Authors:
Hong-yao SHEN
E-mail: jinjiaaoux@foxmail.com;shenhongyao@zju.edu.cn
为了在电弧增材制造(WAAM)过程中获取零件的形貌尺寸信息,以CAD模型作为输入,通过实验分析单线激光扫描仪的工作约束条件,实现基于单线激光的零件外形扫描路径生成算法,开展仿真与实验验证. 通过多组实验获取合适的扫描距离和扫描角度作为路径规划约束,针对输入模型迭代使用最大连通区域求解算法、求解最小投影矩形、等重叠路径规划等多种方法生成单次扫描路径. 对单条路径优化,使用最近点搜索和碰撞检测算法,串联生成机器人末端运动轨迹,借助仿真对轨迹进行修正. 实验结果证明,该路径规划方法对电弧增材零件能够达到较好的测量精度、效率及覆盖率. 测量结果可以为后续增减材复合制造过程提供丰富的轮廓信息.
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