Optimal path planning method based on travel plan data |
Wei-xiang XU1( ),Nan KANG1,Ting XU2 |
1. School of Traffic and Transportation, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100084, China 2. School of Humanities, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China |
Abstract At present, the path planning methods based on short-term traffic flow prediction mostly use historical and real-time traffic flow data, and the timeliness of the prediction needs to be improved. In response to this problem, a path planning method based on travel plan data (RPTP) was proposed. The method can proactively obtain the future traffic demand of travelers and provide more reasonable routes for vehicles. Based on the idea of “travel plan”, the overall framework of optimal path planning was designed on the basis of travel plan data. An estimation algorithm was constructed to calculate the road network density in multiple future periods using the route data of the travel plan. The multi-period road network density was integrated using the spatial superposition method, based on which the heuristic function of the D*Lite algorithm was improved. Several simulation experiments were carried out using the SUMO simulation platform, and the simulation effects produced by the RPTP method were compared with that of static path planning method (SPP) and rolling path planning method (RPP) in the same condition. Experimental results show that the RPTP method can improve the traffic efficiency of the road network and alleviate the road traffic congestion, which effectively verifies the superiority of the RPTP method.
Received: 20 August 2021
Published: 30 August 2022
Fund: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61672002);国家铁路智能运输系统工程技术研究工程中心(中国铁道科学研究院集团有限公司)开放课题基金资助项目(RITS2021KF07) |
现有基于交通流预测的路径规划方法大多使用历史或实时交通流数据,预测时效性有待提升. 针对上述问题,提出基于出行计划数据的路径规划方法(RPTP). 该方法能主动捕捉出行者的未来交通需求,为车辆提供更合理的出行路线.基于出行计划的思想,设计基于出行计划数据的路径规划整体框架;构建基于出行计划路线数据的未来时段路网密度估计算法;采用空间堆叠的方式融合未来多时段路网密度,以此为依据改进D*Lite算法的启发函数. 采用SUMO平台仿真验证,与静态路径规划方法(SPP)和滚动路径规划方法(RPP)进行对比分析.结果显示,在相同环境下RPTP方法能提高车辆的通行效率,缓解路网拥堵,有效验证了RPTP方法的优越性.
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