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Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science)  2022, Vol. 56 Issue (6): 1071-1078    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2022.06.003
Robot target following based on adaptive follower mechanism
Hong-xin CHEN(),Bei ZHANG,Chun-xiang WANG*(),Ming YANG
Department of Automation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
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A pedestrian following method based on adaptive follower mechanism was proposed focusing on the problem that robots lose targets easily with fixed sensors. Based on task requirements, the field of view evaluation metrics of the follower perception mechanism were designed. On the basis of traditional planning strategies, an improved planning strategy derived from chassis direction and a depth weighting based adaptive angle planning strategy were proposed to improve the moving target following performance of the follower mechanism. To improve pedestrian position tracking with follower RGB-D sensor, the YOLOv3 algorithm was used for target detection, combined with 3D coordinate solving and position matching to achieve real-time tracking of multiple targets. Gazebo simulation platform and RoboMaster robot were used to implement robot's pedestrian following function. The proposed planning strategy is shown to achieve comprehensive optimal metrics and stable trajectory following to moving pedestrian targets, which proves the effectiveness of the target following method.

Key wordspedestrian following      mobile robot      RGB-D sensor      target tracking      adaptive angle planning     
Received: 14 March 2022      Published: 30 June 2022
CLC:  TP 242.6  
Fund:  国家自然科学基金资助项目(61873165,62173228,62103261)
Corresponding Authors: Chun-xiang WANG     E-mail:;
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Hong-xin CHEN,Bei ZHANG,Chun-xiang WANG,Ming YANG. Robot target following based on adaptive follower mechanism. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2022, 56(6): 1071-1078.

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针对机器人使用固定传感器容易丢失跟随目标的问题,提出基于自适应随动机构的行人跟随方法.基于任务需求设计随动式感知机构视野评价指标;在传统规划策略的基础上,提出结合底盘方向的改进策略和基于视野深度加权的自适应角度规划策略,改进随动机构的运动目标跟随效果. 为了提高随动RGB-D传感器的行人位置跟踪效果,使用YOLOv3算法进行目标检测,结合三维坐标解算与位置度量匹配,实现多目标位置的实时跟踪. 基于Gazebo仿真环境与RoboMaster机器人,实现机器人行人跟随功能. 所提规划策略能够取得综合最优的评分指标,并实现机器人对运动行人目标稳定的轨迹跟随. 实验结果证明了所提目标跟随方法的有效性.

关键词: 行人跟随,  移动机器人,  RGB-D传感器,  目标跟踪,  自适应角度规划 
Fig.1 Residual network structure used in YOLOv3 algorithm
Fig.2 Flowchart of 3D coordinate calculation algorithm
Fig.3 RoboMaster robot platform used in following experiment
Fig.4 Simulation robot and map based on Gazebo platform
Fig.5 ROS-based software architecture and functional modules
Fig.6 Pedestrian detection results of YOLOv3 algorithm in simulation and real scenes
Fig.7 Comparison of single target tracking trajectory and real trajectory in simulation platform
Fig.8 Multi-target matching and tracking results using Azure Kinect data
Fig.9 Multi-target tracking trajectory using Azure Kinect data
规划策略 ${\overline S_{\text{t}}}$ ${\overline S_{\text{p}}}$ ${N_{\text{o}}}$ ${\overline S_{\text{a}}}$ ${\overline T_{\text{f} } }/{\rm{s}}$ ${f_{\text{s}}}$
固定相机 0.667 0.798 1.004 1.516 85.6 0
目标伺服 0.997 0.834 1.282 1.895 120.1 82.14
底盘方向 0.946 0.861 1.291 1.871 117.2 19.47
权重视野 0.993 0.848 1.331 1.908 141.4 33.55
Tab.1 Comparison of average scores of different sensor angle planning strategies in simulation platform
Fig.10 Pedestrian following experimental scenarios with simulation and real robot
Fig.11 Trajectories of target and robot during following experiments
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