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Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science)  2022, Vol. 56 Issue (4): 783-794    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2022.04.018
Single-stage object detection algorithm based on optimizing position prediction
Na ZHANG1(),Xu-lei QI1,Xiao-an BAO1,*(),Biao WU1,Xiao-mei TU2,Yu-ting JIN2
1. School of Information Science and Technology, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018, China
2. School of Information Science and Technology, Zhejiang Guangsha Vocational and Technical University of Construction, Dongyang 322100, China
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A single-stage object detection algorithm named EL-SSD based on optimizing position prediction was proposed aiming at the problem of inaccurate target positioning and low accuracy of small object detection in the single shot multi-box detector (SSD) algorithm. The prediction feature maps from original SSD were decoded according to feature location information after feature fusion by bi-directional feature pyramid network. Then the weights of feature channels were redistributed. The feature semantic information was improved, and the cross-channel location information was captured. The classification confidence and additional fixed position confidence cascade clustering were constructed to non-maximum suppress prediction bounding box at the detection stage, which improved the positioning accuracy of the selected target. The experimental results showed that the mean average precision value of the EL-SSD on the PASCAL VOC2007 dataset was 79.8%, which was 2.6% higher than that of the original SSD algorithm. The mean average precision value of the EL-SSD on the COCO dataset was 29.4%, which was 3.5% higher than that of the original SSD algorithm. The improved SSD algorithm has a better location performance and small target detection performance, which is suitable for application scenarios that require high localization performance.

Key wordsobject detection      single shot multi-box detector algorithm      feature fusion      non-maximum suppression      localization confidence     
Received: 24 May 2021      Published: 24 April 2022
CLC:  TP 391  
Fund:  国家自然科学基金资助项目(6207050141); 浙江省重点研发计划资助项目(2020C03094)
Corresponding Authors: Xiao-an BAO     E-mail:;
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Na ZHANG,Xu-lei QI,Xiao-an BAO,Biao WU,Xiao-mei TU,Yu-ting JIN. Single-stage object detection algorithm based on optimizing position prediction. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2022, 56(4): 783-794.

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针对单阶段多边框检测(SSD)算法中存在目标定位不准确和小目标检测精度不高的问题,提出基于优化预测定位的单阶段目标检测算法EL-SSD. 通过双向加权特征金字塔将原SSD预测特征图特征融合,对输出特征图进行特征位置信息解码后进行特征通道权重再分配,提升了特征语义信息,捕获了跨通道位置信息. 通过构建分类置信度及额外的定位置信度级联聚类对预测框进行非极大值抑制,提高在检测阶段对选择目标的定位精度. 实验结果表明,EL-SSD算法在PASCAL VOC2007上的平均检测均值达到79.8%,比原SSD算法提高了2.6%. 在COCO数据集上的精度达到29.4%,比原SSD算法提高了3.5%,在检测图片上的目标定位效果及小目标检测效果明显优于SSD, 适用于需要高定位性能的实时应用场景.

关键词: 目标检测,  单阶段多边框检测算法,  特征融合,  非极大值抑制,  定位置信度 
Fig.1 Comparison of popular improved SSD network structure
Fig.2 Predicted classification scores of bounding boxes and IoU with ground-truth
Fig.3 Network structure of EL-SSD
Fig.4 Schematic diagram of CBFN network structure
Fig.5 Schematic diagram of CEA module network structure
Fig.6 Schematic diagram of CEA module weight redistribution process
Fig.7 Heat map of same level of SSD and EL-SSD detection feature map
Fig.8 Detection head with localization confidence prediction branch
Fig.9 Schematic diagram of IoU confidence prediction error
Fig.10 Effect diagram of DIoU
方法 骨干网络 输入尺寸 GPU mAP/% v/(帧·s?1)
Faster R-CNN[3] VGGNet 1000×600 Titan X 73.2 7.0
Faster R-CNN[3] ResNet-101 1000×600 1080Ti 78.8 2.3
Mask R-CNN[36] ResNet-50 1000×600 1080Ti 77.4 4.2
Cascade R-CNN[37] VGGNet 1000×600 1080Ti 79.6 5.3
YOLOV2[6] Darknet-19 352×352 Titan X 73.7 81.0
RefineDet320[18] VGGNet 320×320 1080Ti 80.0 22.1
FCOS[32] ResNet-50 1333×800 1080Ti 73.5 17.6
ATSS[11] ResNet-50 1333×800 1080Ti 75.2 14.9
RetinaNet400[10] ResNet-101 ~640x400 1080Ti 79.4 12.4
FSSD300[16] VGGNet 300×300 1080Ti 78.8 65.0
SSD300[13] VGGNet 300×300 1080Ti 77.2 42.1
ASSD321[38] ResNet-101 321×321 K40 79.5 11.4
DSSD321[15] ResNet-101 321×321 Titan X 78.6 9.5
EL-SSD300 VGGNet 300×300 1080Ti 79.8 27.0
Tab.1 Comparison of mean average precision on VOC2007 test dataset
Fig.11 Histogram of 20 types of target detection precision results in VOC2007 test dataset
方法 IoUt = 0.50 IoUt = 0.75 IoUt = 0.95
Plant Bottle Plant Bottle Plant Bottle
SSD 47.5 50.4 17.4 21.1 0.8 0.1
EL-SSD 52.0 56.6 19.6 26.7 2.1 0.9
Tab.2 Comparison of mean average precision of location prediction effects for small target categories
方法 mAP/% mAP/%
IoUt = 0.5~0.95 IoUt = 0.5 IoUt = 0.75 S M L
SSD 25.9 44.3 25.4 6.2 26.0 41.5
EL-SSD 29.4 47.2 30.6 10.3 31.6 45.7
Tab.3 Experiment results of EL-SSD on COCO dataset
Fig.12 Comparison of detection results on COCO dataset
(无 CEA)
(无 DIoU)
Tab.4 Ablation experiment results of EL-SSD on VOC2007 test dataset
Fig.13 Line graph of positioning accuracy of three NMS algorithms in range of [0.43, 0.48]
Fig.14 Comparison of test results of SSD using different NMS
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