Small target detection algorithm in complex background |
Pu ZHENG1(),Hong-yang BAI1,*(),Wei LI2,Hong-wei GUO1 |
1. School of Energy and Power Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China 2. 96037 PLA Troops, Baoji 721000, China |
Abstract An improved single-shot-multibox-detector (SSD) algorithm was proposed. Referring to the feature pyramid networks (FPN) algorithm, the features of the Conv4-3 layer were merged with the features of Conv7 and Conv3-3 layers, and the number of default boxes at each location in merged feature map was increased. The squeeze-and-excitation networks (SENet) was added to the network structure; the feature channels of each layer were weighted, in order to enhance the useful feature weights and suppress the invalid feature weights. A series of enhancements were performed on the training data to enhance the generalization performance of the network. The experimental results show that the improved algorithm has a better performance on the VOC (07+12) dataset; the mean average precision (mAP) value of the improved algorithm is 80.4%, which is 2.7% higher than that of the original algorithm; the mAP value of the improved algorithm on COCO dataset (2017) is 42.5%, which is 2.3% higher than that of the original algorithm. Thus, the proposed algorithm can accurately detect the target with a size of at least 16×16 pixels.
Received: 28 August 2019
Published: 22 September 2020
Corresponding Authors:
Hong-yang BAI
E-mail: 117108022106@njust.edu.cn;hongyang@njust.edu.cn
提出一种改进的多类别单阶检测器(SSD)算法. 借鉴特征金字塔算法的思想,将Conv4-3层的特征与Conv7、Conv3-3层的特征进行融合,同时增加融合后特征图每个位置对应的默认框数量. 在网络结构中增加裁剪-权重分配网络(SENet),对每层的特征通道进行权重分配,提升有用的特征权重并抑制无效的特征权重. 为了增强网络的泛化能力,对训练数据集进行一系列增强处理. 实验结果表明,改进后的算法在VOC数据集(07+12)上的检测效果良好,平均精度均值为80.4%,比改进前的算法提高了2.7%;在COCO数据集(2017)上的平均精度均值为42.5%,比改进前的算法提高了2.3%. 所提算法能够准确检测出不小于16×16像素的目标.
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