Optimization strategy for unloading power tasks in residential areas based on alternate edge nodes |
Zhong CHEN1( ),Xiao XU1( ),Hai-wei WANG2,Hong-hao LUO1,Xuan CHEN3 |
1. School of Electrical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China 2. Hefei Power Supply Company, State Grid Anhui Electric Power Co. Ltd, Hefei 230000, China 3. Maintenance Branch, State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co. Ltd, Nanjing 211102, China |
Abstract In order to propel power consumption orderly and ensure the security of electricity distribution system in residential area, the concept of task offloading in the communication field was expanded and applied to residential area information management, the electricity information management system in residential area and the optimal offloading strategy of computing tasks based on edge calculation were also proposed. The definition of edge computing was clarified, the concept of task offloading was extended from the mobile edge computing scenario, as well as the role of alternate edge node was added in the residential area electricity information management model. The framework and process of task offloading were proposed, at the same time, the calculation tasks generated by electrical equipment in residential areas were analyzed. Then, the Nash equilibrium was achieved to obtain the optimal task offloading decision by establishing a computing model and a multi-user game model. An example was used to verify the necessity of the alternate edge node and the superiority of the proposed strategy compared with the traditional computing model. The proposed strategy brings new ideas and methods for the data processing in the residential area electricity information management in the era of Internet of all things.
Received: 24 July 2020
Published: 10 June 2021
Fund: 国家电网总部资助项目(SGJSJX00YJJS1800722) |
为了实现有序用电,保证居民区配电系统安全性,将通信领域的任务卸载概念拓展并应用于居民区信息管理中,提出基于边缘计算的居民区用电信息管理系统和计算任务的优化卸载策略. 阐明边缘计算的相关定义,从移动边缘计算场景中拓展任务卸载的概念,并在居民区用电信息管理模型中增加备用边缘节点角色. 提出基于任务卸载的管理框架及流程,并对居民区用电设备产生的计算任务进行分析,通过建立计算模型和多用户博弈模型,求解纳什均衡,得到最优任务卸载决策. 用算例验证备用边缘节点的必要性以及所提策略相较于传统计算模式的优越性,为万物互联时代的居民区用电信息管理中的数据处理环节带来新的思路和方法.
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