Optimization of cold chain fruit path considering customer satisfaction |
Lin-lin JI( ),Qing-wei WANG,Hao ZHOU,Mei-mei ZHENG*( ) |
School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China |
Abstract A cold chain fruit transportation model with two objectives, i.e., cost and customer satisfaction, was proposed considering the rapid expansion of demands for cold chain fruits and increased importance of customer satisfaction. An improved satisfaction model was proposed to accurately describe the level of customer satisfaction and improve the service response capability of cold chain fruit transportation. The gray-whitening weight function was introduced to construct different levels of customer satisfaction. The customer satisfaction scores were set to divide the factors that affect the perception of satisfaction into different ranks. The survey data was used to support the perception of customer satisfaction. Meanwhile, the improved genetic algorithm (IGA) was proposed to solve the cold chain fruit transportation model. The IGA was developed by introducing the Metropolis of simulated annealing to "super individuals" and regularly updating chromosome group with three kinds of neighborhood search randomly, to avoid the rapid convergence of the genetic algorithm (GA) and reduce the destruction of high-quality populations. Comparative analysis in the case study shows that the IGA is superior to GA and genetic simulated annealing algorithm (GA-SA). And the advantage of IGA becomes more significant as the number of customers increases.
Received: 21 July 2020
Published: 09 March 2021
Fund: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71802130);上海浦江资助项目(18PJC083) |
Corresponding Authors:
Mei-mei ZHENG
E-mail: 860616956@qq.com;miqi@sjtu.edu.com
针对冷链水果需求的迅速扩大及顾客满意度重要性的不断提升,提出以成本与满意度为双目标的冷链水果运输模型. 为了准确描述顾客满意度水平,提高冷链水果运输服务的响应能力,提出改进的满意度模型;引入灰度白化权函数构造顾客满意度不同等级阶段,设置不同等级分数将影响满意度感知的因素划分成不同等级,利用调研数据支撑顾客真实满意度感知. 提出改进的遗传算法(IGA)求解该冷链水果运输模型. 此遗传算法通过对“超级个体”引入模拟退火的Metropolis准则,随机选择3种邻域搜索之一定期更新染色体群,来避免传统遗传算法的快速收敛问题以及减轻优质种群被破坏程度. 基于实例的对比分析表明,改进遗传算法的求解效果优于传统遗传(GA)、遗传模拟退火算法(GA-SA),且随着顾客人数增加,改进遗传算法优势更明显.
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