Effects of stud height on shear behavior of stud connectors |
Jin-feng WANG( ),Ai-ping ZHANG,Wen-hao WANG |
College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China |
Abstract Twenty-four stud connector push-out specimens were prepared and tested to analyze the effect of stud height on shear behavior of stud connectors. The load-slip curves and failure modes of studs with different diameters and heights were obtained, the influence of stud height on shear behavior was investigated, and the formula of shear bearing capacity of stud connectors considering stud height was proposed. Results indicated that the shear bearing capacity increased with the increasing of aspect ratio when the aspect ratio was 4.5~13.2, and the shear stiffness increased with the increasing of aspect ratio when the aspect ratio was less than ten, but the shear stiffness changed slightly when the aspect ratio was more than ten. The formula for calculating the shear bearing capacity of stud connectors with aspect ratio of 4.5~13.2 when shear failure occurs was proposed, which considered more comprehensive factors and agreed well with the test results. The design values of shear stiffness in current specification of China were a little conservative. It is suggested that when the relevant design is to be carried out, Eurocode four specification or the calculation method proposed by Oehlers can be selected as reference to reduce the number of stud shear connectors and decrease the difficulty of design and construction.
Received: 08 December 2019
Published: 15 December 2020
为了研究栓钉高度对栓钉连接件抗剪性能的影响,通过24个栓钉抗剪性能模型推出试件,获得栓钉在不同直径和高度下的荷载-滑移曲线和破坏模态,比较分析栓钉高度对栓钉连接件抗剪性能的影响,建立考虑栓钉高度的抗剪承载力计算式. 研究结果表明:当栓钉连接件长径比为4.5~13.2时,栓钉的抗剪承载力随长径比的增加而增大;当栓钉长径比小于10时,抗剪刚度随长径比的增加而增大,当长径比大于10时,抗剪刚度变化较小. 提出栓钉连接件长径比为4.5~13.2时栓钉连接件发生剪断破坏时的抗剪承载力计算式,该公式考虑的因素更全面,与试验结果较吻合;中国现行规范关于栓钉抗剪刚度的设计值偏保守,在进行设计时可以选取规范Eurocode4或Oehlers提出的计算方法进行参考,以达到减少栓钉使用数量,降低设计和施工难度的目的.
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