Automatic garbage classification system based on machine vision |
Zhuang KANG( ),Jie YANG*( ),Hao-qi GUO |
School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, Ganzhou 341000, China |
Abstract An automatic garbage classification system was designed based on machine vision in order to improve the efficiency of front-end collection in garbage classification process. The hardware device of the garbage classification system was designed and manufactured, which mainly included two boxes, the recyclable box and the non-recyclable box. A method of garbage type recognition was proposed based on Inception v3 feature extraction network structure and migration learning aiming at the data lacking problem caused by small garbage data sets. The method was trained and tested on the constructed garbage data set. The test results show that the method can accurately identify garbage types with an average accuracy of 0.99. The trained model was deployed on the raspberry pi 3B+, and tested on the real garbage bin. When the whole system was running stably, the average time for the system to complete the classification of one garbage was 0.95 second. The experimental results show that the automatic garbage classification system can effectively identify the types of garbage and complete the classification and recycling of the garbage.
Received: 09 February 2020
Published: 05 July 2020
Corresponding Authors:
E-mail: zhuangkangxxy@163.com;yangjie@jxust.edu.cn
为了提高垃圾分类过程中前端收集的工作效率,基于机器视觉技术设计垃圾自动分类系统. 设计制作垃圾分类的硬件设备,主要包括可回收和不可回收2个箱体;针对垃圾数据集较少的问题,提出基于Inception v3网络特征提取模型和迁移学习相结合的垃圾种类识别方法,在自建的垃圾数据集上进行训练和测试. 结果显示,利用该方法可以准确地对垃圾种类进行识别,平均准确率达到0.99;将训练好的模型部署在树莓派3B+上,在制作的实物垃圾桶上进行测试,系统稳定后,平均完成一次分类回收的时间为0.95 s. 实验表明,该系统能够有效地进行垃圾种类的识别和完成垃圾的分类回收.
Inception v3,
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