Civil and Traffic Engineering |
Effective Rigidity of two one-side stiffeners arranged symmetrically |
YANG Zhang, TONG Gen shu, ZHANG Lei |
Department of Civil Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China |
Abstract The buckling of plates with two one-sided stiffeners arranged symmetrically under uniform compression was analyzed to determine the effective stiffness of one-side stiffeners. Second order analyses were conducted for the isolated stiffener and the plate acted by their interactive forces, and they are combined to satisfy the continuity conditions in the longitudinal strains and the deflections on the connecting line. The effect of the free and warping torsion and the shear deformation in the stiffener was included. The critical equations for 3 buckling modes were obtained. Analytic expression of the effective bending and torsion stiffness and the effective breadth were found for each bucking mode. Comparing the plate with only one one-sided stiffener, the effective widths of the plate taking part in the function of the stiffener were different. Comparing with the results of ANASYS analysis, the analytic solution has excellent accuracy regardless of the shapes of the stiffeners.
Published: 01 August 2016
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