A high voltage high stability switching-mode controller chip |
NING Zhi-hua, HE Le-nian, HU Zhi-cheng |
Institute of VLSI Design, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China |
Abstract A switching-mode controller chip was proposed to enhance the reliability of power system. This chip introduces a novel fault protection circuit, which monitoring both error amplifiers (EAs) output and peak current to detect the fault such as over-current and short-circuit. If EAs output is larger than 4.2 V or the peak voltage (generated by sampling resistor) surpasses 0.75 V in 4 cycles, the protection circuit will shut down the controller to protect the converter from damage, which also saves the power. The chip integrates circuits of soft-start, current-limit, under-voltage and over-voltage protection and pulse width modulation/pulse skipping modulation (PWM/PSM) mode switching. This chip was implemented in CSMC 0.5 μm 60 V BCD process and was applied in a flyback converter which deliverd an output of 5 V with input voltage ranging from 34-60 V. Measurement results show that this controller chip can shut down the controller as soon as the fault occurs, protecting the converter from damage. The controller can self-restart when the fault is removed. The converter has a maximum load ability of 2.6 A while its quiescent current is no more than 1 mA. The maximum power efficiency is 83.5%. The line regulation and load regulation is only 0.02%/V and 0.03%/A respectively. The converter also presents an outstanding transient performance.
Published: 10 June 2018
为了增强电源系统的可靠性,提出一种高压高可靠性开关电源控制芯片,该芯片引入一种新型的故障保护电路,通过同时监测误差放大器(EA)输出和峰值电流信号来检测过流和短路等故障.当EA输出电压超过4.2 V或者峰值电压信号(由采样电阻得到)连续4个周期超过0.75 V时,保护电路会及时切断控制器,保护变换器免受损害,同时降低了电路损耗.芯片还集成了软启动、限流保护、过压欠压保护和脉宽调制/跳脉冲调制(PWM/PSM)模式切换电路,该芯片采用CSMC 0.5 μm 60 V BCD 工艺进行设计,已经成功流片.将该芯片应用于反激式转换器中,转换器可以将34~60 V的输入电压转化成5 V输出.测试表明:当故障发生时,控制芯片能够迅速切断控制器以保护整个转换器,而当故障消除后该控制器仍然可以自行重新启动;反激转换器最大输出电流为2.6 A,静态电流小于1 mA,最大效率为83.5%,线性调整率和负载调整率分别为0.02%/V和0.03%/A,具有良好的瞬态响应能力.
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