Log-structured even recycle strategy for flash storage |
CHEN Zhao, YU Feng, CHEN Ting-ting |
Department of Instrumentation Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China |
Abstract Some factors, like out-of-place write and limited erasure lifecycles, pose reliability challenge for flash storage. A novel recycle scheme, called senior-block-first recycle method (SBFR), was proposed for log-structured flash management in order to mitigate the problem. In order to extend the functional life-time, the flash management must utilize blocks evenly and lower space-reclamation overhead at the same time, and has to avoid the confliction of these two objectives. SBFR tended to collect and assemble scattered cold data. Utilization-ratio and seniority-degree were taken as the selection criterions for block recycle. A forced wear-leveling mechanism was incorporated into the recycle method with little overhead. Experimental results indicate that SBFR method can effectively prolong flash’s functional life-time by leveling erase counts of all blocks evenly with small recycle overhead.
Published: 01 January 2014
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