Feature-based adaptive method of ontology mapping |
JIANG Zhan, YAO Xiao-ming, LIN Lan-fen |
College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China |
Abstract Existing multi-strategy mapping methods could not dynamically adjust based on different ontologies and real situation, exposing the inadequacy of exploiting the semantic information and characteristics of ontology. A feature-based adaptive ontology mapping method (FAMAP) was presented to solve these problems. Four dimensions, including language feature, attribute feature, instance feature and structure feature, were adopted to describe the characteristics of ontologies. The reliability of each feature of ontology was calculated based on the initial metric value of corresponding characteristic and the similarity matrix of corresponding mapping strategy. Then the weight of each mapping strategy can be adapted to the reliability of the corresponding feature of ontology. The different mapping strategies were assembled by Sigmoid method, outstanding the part of high prediction. A new semantic similarity method was proposed considering the information content and level of abstraction of concept. Experimental results showed that FAMAP method improved the precision while maintaining the recall of the ontology mapping.
Published: 01 January 2014
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