Design of wireless network on human motion capture |
RONG Zhi-neng1, JIN Wen-guang1, LUO Yi-xi2 |
1. Department of Information Science and Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China;
2. College of Electronics and Information Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China |
Abstract A new human motion capture was proposed based on wireless sensor network. The system consists: sensor node, branch node and sink node. They work together in the form of clustering and layers. The sensor nodes adaptively connect to a branch node by wireless network. Each branch node manages its sensor nodes by time-division, besides, it carries on data-fusion and transmits the data to sink node. Sink node transmits the data to PC by USB. Considering the special feature of the system, a protocol was proposed which organizes the wireless network between sensor node and branch node. It consists mainly of time synchronization algorithm among sensor nodes and backoff time algorithm which is used when sensor nodes meet competition. Experimental results demonstrate that the protocol is adequately reliable and the lost of data packet is less in data communication.
Published: 01 July 2012
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