On parameter identifiability of linear multivariable systems under communication access constraints |
WANG Li-juan, ZHANG Hui |
Department of Control Science and Engineering, National Key Laboratory of Industrial Control Technology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China |
Abstract The problem of on-line parameter identification was discussed for linear multivariable discrete time stochastic systems under communication access constraints. Under the assumption that the time-varying parameter can be modeled as a GaussMarkov process, the inputoutput model of the discussed systems is transformed to the state space description, and then the problem of parameter identification is transformed to the problem of state estimation. To deal with the limited communication caused by access constraints, a binary-valued vector function is adopted to describe the sensors’ access status,where 1 means “accessing” and 0 means “not accessing”. By using the information theoretic measures and approaches, the concept of on-line parameter identifiability, which was defined by mutual information, was discussed under the sensors’ access constraints, and a condition for parameter identifiability was derived. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that there is a proper communication strategy preserving the identifiability of the system under access constraints.
Published: 01 December 2011
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