Design of quantized state estimator for dualstage control system |
OU Hong-bo, FANG Shan-hua, LU Ren-quan, XUE An-ke |
Institute of Information and Control, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018, China |
Abstract The method of designing the quantized state estimator for dualstage control system was aralyzed. The input and output signals were quantized to transmit in network environment. The method processing the quantized signals which lose during the unreliable channel was analyzed. Then the state estimator was designed to estimate the information of control system. The controller was designed to control two actuators to coordinately work according to the estimated value from the state estimator, and the dualstage control was realized. An experiment on dSPACEDS1103 illustrates that the approach to design dualstage controller is effective and feasible.
Published: 01 July 2010
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