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J4  2010, Vol. 44 Issue (7): 1418-1422    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2010.07.033
Output feedback control for timedelay system with
quantized measurement
WANG Jun-hong, XUE Anke
School of Automation, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018, China
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The signal must be quantized before transmission in order to solve the problem of the capacity constraint in network control system, but the quantization will bring error to the signal. The observerbased output feedback control with quantized measurement was conducted aimed at the timedelay system. The logarithmic quantizer was considered. The sector bound method was introduced to analyze the influence of the quantizer on the system. Then the logarithmic quantizer problem was transformed into the robust problem. The Lyapunov function with decay parameter was adopted to analyze the system convergence rate, and the exponential decay rate of closedloop system was obtained. The sufficient condition of exponential stability was given based on the linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach, and the gains of controller and observer were derived. Numerical results illustrated that the approach is effective and feasible.

Published: 01 July 2010
CLC:  TP 13  
Cite this article:

WANG Dun-Hong, XUE An-Ke. Output feedback control for timedelay system with
quantized measurement. J4, 2010, 44(7): 1418-1422.

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