Heat transfer in the gap of friction pairs in hydroviscous drive |
HUANG Jia-hai,QIU Min-xiu,FANG Wen-min |
State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power Transmission and Control, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China |
Abstract The temperature distribution of the flow between friction pairs which run under condition of full fluid lubrication was researched in order to determine the main form of heat transfer in hydroviscous drive. The simplified mathematical model for the flow under isothermal, adiabatic and convective thermal boundary conditions were built, taking into account the effect of viscosity-temperature characteristics. The flow between friction pairs was solved by using the commercial computational fluid dynamics code FLUENT. Numerical temperature results were obtained accordingly. Based on the numerical simulations, temperature distributions under different condition of input rotational speed and input flow rate were measured on the hydroviscous drive test rig. It is shown that experimental data are close to numerical results under isothermal thermal boundary condition and deviate badly from that under adiabatic boundary condition. In addition, it is found that temperature decreases as either the gap or input flow rate increases, but it increases as input rotational speed increases.
Published: 08 December 2011
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