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J4  2012, Vol. 46 Issue (6): 1034-1040    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2012.06.012
Modeling, simulation and experimental research
on pressure tracking valve
DU Heng, WEI Jian-hua, FENG Rui-lin
State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power Transmission and Control, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
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Large engineering equipment with damping system often needs to achieve that the pressure in the elastic element tracks the pressure in the actuator, which can make the system switch smoothly when the elastic element and the actuator are connected. In order to achieve this goal easily, safely and reliably, a pressure tacking valve was designed, and the corresponding mathematical model and the simulation model based on AMESim were established. The feedback link on the valve was analyzed, and the dynamic and static characteristics of the valve under the influences of the spool area, valve opening and damper damping were studied. When the spool diameter is 16 mm, the orifice diameter is 1 mm and the valve opening is zero, the pressure tracking valve has good static and dynamic characteristics of pressure tracking. The test bench was set up and the experimental research was performed. The results show that the pressure tracking error can be controlled in about 0.1 MPa and the stability of the valve is good. The elastic element and the actuator can switch smoothly in the system with the application of the pressure tracking valve.

Published: 24 July 2012
CLC:  TH 137  
Cite this article:

DU Heng, WEI Jian-hua, FENG Rui-lin. Modeling, simulation and experimental research
on pressure tracking valve. J4, 2012, 46(6): 1034-1040.

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在应用减振技术的大型液压装备中常常需要实现弹性元件内压力对执行器内压力的跟踪,以保证弹性元件与执行器接通时系统的平稳.为了简易、安全并可靠的实现这一功能,设计了一种压力跟踪阀,建立相应的数学模型及AMESim仿真模型.对阀的反馈环节进行分析并考察阀芯作用面积、阀口开度和阻尼器阻尼对阀动、静态特性的影响.当阀芯直径为16 mm、阻尼孔直径为1 mm且为零开口阀时,压力跟踪阀具有较好的动、静态特性.搭建相关试验台进行试验验证,结果表明:压力跟踪阀可以较好地实现压力跟踪功能,压力跟踪误差可控制在0.1 MPa左右且压力跟踪稳定.应用了压力跟踪阀的系统可以有效的实现弹性元件与执行器之间的平稳切换.

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