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J4  2012, Vol. 46 Issue (6): 1054-1059    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2012.06.015
Synchronous control strategy for paralleled servo valves
FANG Jin-hui, WEI Jian-hua, KONG Xiao-wu
State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power Transmission and Control, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
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 A new method which paralleled a number of servo valves was proposed, to meet the contradiction between the requirement of large flow and high frequency response in some industry areas, such as high-frequency vibration generators and linearity friction weld machines, and the decreasing frequency response of servo valves as the nominal flow increases. Because of the discrepancies of valves in sizes, manufacture, electrical, etc, the synchronous motion error of spools occurs when crossing the null position if they are paralleled and driven by the same signals, as well as the problem of flow decreasing and hydraulic shock. By analyzing the motion of spools under the drive of sinusoidal signal with different amplitudes and different frequencies, and of sine-like signal with varied amplitude, a number of nonlinear features of servo valves were obtained. Then, a control strategy through combination of phase-shifting and amplitudevarying was designed to achieve a synchronous motion objective. By shifting forward the phase of signal driving the valve which lagged behind others, the major synchronization error was eliminated. The rest of error was reduced by shrinking the amplitude of lagging valves and enlarging the amplitude of leading valves at the same time so that the total flow was the same. The experimental results show that the proposed strategy works well, and the phase error can be controlled within ± 2 °, when the spools cross the null position.

Published: 24 July 2012
CLC:  TH 137  
Cite this article:

FANG Jin-hui, WEI Jian-hua, KONG Xiao-wu. Synchronous control strategy for paralleled servo valves. J4, 2012, 46(6): 1054-1059.

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