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浙江大学学报(工学版)  2020, Vol. 54 Issue (7): 1308-1315    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2020.07.008
浙江工业大学 理学院,浙江 杭州 310023
Synchronization of multi-agent systems based on static output feedback protocol
Hang-lei SHAO(),Dong-mei ZHANG*()
College of Science, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China
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研究多智能体系统的同步和有限时间同步问题.基于邻居节点的输出信息设计静态输出反馈协议,将多智能体系统同步控制问题转化为一类同步误差系统的镇定问题,导出使该系统同步和有限时间同步的充分条件.采用分离方法,通过迭代求解含有不等式约束的优化问题,得到最优的静态输出反馈增益,使得相应的性能指标最小. 通过数值算例验证了结果的可行性,研究参数对解空间的影响,得到参数可行域.

关键词: 多智能体系统静态输出反馈协议同步有限时间同步H性能    

Synchronization and finite-time synchronization of multi-agent systems was addressed. A static output feedback protocol was designed based on the output information of neighbor nodes. The synchronization control problem of multi-agent systems was transformed into a stabilization problem of a class of synchronization error systems, and sufficient conditions were derived to ensure synchronization and finite-time synchronization for the closed-loop system. The optimal static output feedback gain was obtained by iteratively solving a class of optimization problems with inequality constraints and using the separation method, so that the corresponding performance index was minimized. The feasibility of the results was verified by numerical examples. The influence of parameters on the solution space was analyzed, and the feasible parameters were obtained.

Key words: multi-agent systems    static output feedback protocol    synchronization    finite-time synchronization    H performance
收稿日期: 2019-06-15 出版日期: 2020-07-05
CLC:  TP 11  
基金资助: 浙江省自然科学基金资助项目(Y1100845);2017年度浙江工业大学研究生教学改革项目(2017202)
通讯作者: 张冬梅     E-mail:;
作者简介: 邵杭蕾(1995—),女,硕士生,从事多智能体系统的同步控制研究.
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邵杭蕾,张冬梅. 基于静态输出反馈协议的多智能体系统同步[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2020, 54(7): 1308-1315.

Hang-lei SHAO,Dong-mei ZHANG. Synchronization of multi-agent systems based on static output feedback protocol. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2020, 54(7): 1308-1315.


图 1  反馈增益算法流程图
图 2  多智能体系统通信拓扑结构
图 3  开环系统(1)状态轨迹
文献 $K$ $\gamma $
文献[22] ?0.231 5 1.205 1
本文 ?0.474 7 0.250 8
表 1  本文 $ {\rm{H}}_{{\infty }} $性能指标与文献[22]的对比
图 4  闭环系统(1)状态轨迹
图 5  各智能体通信拓扑结构
图 6)  开环系统(7)同步误差范数轨迹
图 7  闭环系统(1)状态轨迹
图 8  闭环系统(7)同步误差范数轨迹
图 9  同步时间不同时同步误差范数轨迹
图 10)  初始状态不同时同步误差范数轨迹
图 11   $r(t) = {t^{0.5}}/2$时闭环系统(1)状态轨迹
图 12   $r(t) = {{\sqrt {30} }}{\exp\;{{(t/6)}}}/10$时闭环系统(1)状态轨迹
图 13  参数G、q可行域
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