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浙江大学学报(工学版)  2021, Vol. 55 Issue (5): 855-865    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2021.05.006
浙江大学 机械工程学院,浙江 杭州 310027
Design and experiment of remote handling motor replacement device based on passive compliant mechanism
Jun-xia JIANG(),Xin-yuan ZHANG,Bang-ming TAO,Qun DONG
School of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
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核工业热室中智能装备的驱动电机受核辐射影响易损坏,采用电机遥操作更换技术是确保热室内智能装备正常运作的关键. 针对这一问题,分析电机遥操作更换设计需求,提出基于被动柔顺机理的电机遥操作更换方法;分析轴孔装配3种接触状态,建立电机垂向插配力学模型,提出动力对接策略,设计五自由度(5-DOF)空间被动柔顺机构;基于热室中遥操作机械臂的特点,设计电机遥操作更换结构和工作流程. 构建实验装置,测试统计电机更换成功率和耗时,并针对电机垂向插配力学模型所预测的插配力进行检测和理论计算比对,验证电机遥操作更换结构的可靠性和电机垂向插配力学模型的有效性. 电机遥操作更换技术能为热室中智能装备的自动维护提供技术支撑,也为机器人执行其他自动化装配任务提供借鉴.

关键词: 电机自动更换热室环境遥操作机械臂柔顺装配被动柔顺机构    

The power motor of intelligent equipment in hot cells of nuclear industry is prone to failure due to nuclear radiation, so the adoption of remote handling motor replacement technology is the key to the normal operation of intelligent equipment in hot cells. To solve the above problem, the design requirements of remote handling motor replacement device were analyzed, and the remote handling motor replacement method based on passive compliance was proposed. Three contact states of the shaft hole assembly were performed, and the mechanical model of motor vertical insertion was constructed. A motor docking strategy was put forward, and a five-degree of freedom (5-DOF) space passive compliant mechanism was designed. The remote handling motor replacement device structure and the remote handling replacement work flow were designed based on the characteristics of the remote operation robotic arm in hot cells. Experimental device was manufactured, and the success rate and the time-consuming of remote handling replacement were counted. In addition, the actual test value and the theoretical value of insertion force predicted by the motor vertical insertion mechanical model were compared. Results verified the reliability of the remote handling motor replacement device and the effectiveness of the motor vertical insertion mechanical model. The proposed technology provides basic technology for the automatic maintenance of intelligent equipment in hot cells, and also provides inspiration for the robot to perform other automated assembly tasks.

Key words: automatic quick-replacement motor    hot cell environment    remote operation robotic arm    compliant assembly    passive compliant mechanism
收稿日期: 2020-05-07 出版日期: 2021-06-10
CLC:  TH 122  
作者简介: 蒋君侠(1968—),男,研究员,博导,从事智能装备结构创新设计与开发、飞机数字化装配工艺装备研究. E-mail:
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蒋君侠,掌新辕,陶邦明,董群. 基于被动柔顺机理的电机遥操作更换机构设计和实验[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2021, 55(5): 855-865.

Jun-xia JIANG,Xin-yuan ZHANG,Bang-ming TAO,Qun DONG. Design and experiment of remote handling motor replacement device based on passive compliant mechanism. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2021, 55(5): 855-865.


图 1  2种电机连接形式
图 2  电机遥操作更换原理图
图 3  孔轴配合的4个阶段
图 4  电机遥操作更换现场示意图
图 5  动力对接原理图
图 6  动力对接过程图
图 7  柔顺装配原理图
图 8  倒角滑移状态的力学模型
图 9  一点接触状态的力学模型
图 10  两点接触状态的力学模型
图 11  5-DOF被动柔顺机构原理图
图 12  电机遥操作更换总体结构设计
图 13  柔顺机构结构图
孔轴参数 数值 装配参数 数值 实验参数 数值
2R 90 mm W 10 mm x0 4 mm
2r 89.96 mm α 1/3 rad θ0 0.05 rad
L 373 mm LMAX 50 mm μ 0.15
表 1  Matlab仿真初始参数
图 14  水平刚度对插配力的影响
图 15  旋转刚度对插配力的影响
图 16  电机组件结构图
图 17  固定组件结构图
图 18  电机遥操作更换总体示意图
图 19  导向法兰定位过程
图 20  动力对接过程
图 21  电机遥操作更换流程图
图 22  电机遥操作更换实验现场图
孔轴参数 数值 装配参数 数值 实验参数 数值
2R 90 mm W 10 mm x 0~6 mm
2r 89.96 mm α 1/3 rad θ 0~0.05 rad
L 373 mm LMAX 50 mm m0g 153 N
μ 0.15 z 0~50 mm z0 0 mm
表 2  电机遥操作更换装置的各项参数
图 23  不同误差下的成功率
图 24  实验测得的实际插配力
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