Trajectory planning of TBM disc cutter changing robot based on time-jerk optimization |
Zhi-tong TAO( ),Jian-feng TAO*( ),Cheng-jin QIN,Cheng-liang LIU |
State Key Laboratory of Mechanical System and Vibration, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China |
Abstract A trajectory planning method based on improved particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm was proposed in order to improve the working efficiency of tunnel boring machine (TBM) disc cutter changing robot and reduce the motion jerk in the process of tool changing. The kinematics of the redundant joint robot was analyzed by using the position and pose separation method and the joint variable minimization strategy. The target trajectory was mapped from Cartesian space to joint space by using the inverse solution. The jerk continuous joint trajectory was constructed by using 5-degree NURBS curve for each joint. The objective function was constructed by the time jerk optimization, and the optimal time series was solved by using the improved PSO algorithm so as to complete the trajectory optimization. The trajectory planning of specific disc cutter change task was conducted, and the optimal trajectory of each joint was obtained. The optimization results show that the proposed trajectory planning method can provide an ideal trajectory for each joint of the tool changing robot and has strong trajectory tracking ability. The 5th NURBS interpolation method and the improved PSO optimization algorithm were used to ensure the shortest time and minimum impact of the trajectory, and improve the efficiency and stability of the operation.
Received: 30 March 2022
Published: 17 January 2023
Fund: 国家重点研发计划资助项目(2018YFB1306703) |
Corresponding Authors:
Jian-feng TAO
E-mail: taozhitong@sjtu.edu.cn;jftao@sjtu.edu.cn
为了提高隧道掘进机(TBM)换刀机器人的工作效率,减小换刀过程中的运动冲击,提出基于改进型粒子群优化(PSO)算法的轨迹优化方法. 采用位姿分离法与关节变量最小策略,对冗余关节机器人进行运动学分析. 利用所求的逆解,将目标轨迹由笛卡尔空间映射到关节空间. 针对每个关节使用5次NURBS曲线构造冲击连续的关节轨迹,以时间冲击最优构造目标函数,采用改进型PSO算法求解出最优时间序列,完成对轨迹的优化. 通过对特定的换刀任务进行轨迹规划,得到各关节的优化轨迹. 优化结果表明,提出的轨迹规划方法可以为换刀机器人各关节提供理想的轨迹,具有较强的轨迹跟踪能力. 利用5次NURBS插值法与改进型PSO优化算法,可以保证轨迹的时间最短与冲击最小,提高了运行的效率与平稳性.
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