Three-port DC-DC converter based on LCL resonant dual active bridge and its decoupling control |
Rong-chuang WANG( ),Shan-shan WANG,Ming GAO,Jian-jiang SHI*( ) |
College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China |
Abstract A new three-port DC-DC converter and its decoupling control method were proposed, in order to reduce the coupling degree of different control loops of multiple power paths and optimize the dynamic performance of the integrated three-port DC-DC converter. Dual Buck/Boost and LCL resonant dual active bridge were combined by reusing primary switching units. Switch devices were reused in the converters and power density was improved. Power transmission between three ports was controlled flexibly by PWM and dual phase-shift control mode. Power was transfered with fundamental power factor of 1 based on LCL resonant characteristics. The working principle, control mode and harmonic performance of the converter were analyzed. A simple and effective decoupling control method was proposed according to the fundamental analysis method, which can effectively reduce the coupling degree of different control loops of multiple power paths and improve the dynamic response ability of the system. Finally, a 400 W experimental prototype was built. Control mode comparison test, typical working mode switching test and decoupling control comparison test were carried out to verify the feasibility of the converter and the effect of the decoupling control method.
Received: 29 May 2020
Published: 01 September 2021
Fund: 装备预研教育部联合基金资助项目(6141A02022528) |
Corresponding Authors:
Jian-jiang SHI
E-mail: wangrongchuang@zju.edu.cn;jianjiang@zju.edu.cn
为了降低集成式三端口DC-DC变换器多功率路径的控制环路间的耦合程度、优化动态性能,将双Buck/Boost与LCL谐振型双有源桥通过共用原边全桥开关单元集成到一起,提出新型三端口DC-DC变换器及其解耦控制方法. 该变换器实现了开关器件的复用,提高了功率密度;采用PWM+双移相控制,可以实现3个端口间传输功率的灵活控制;利用LCL谐振特性实现基波功率因数为1的功率传递. 本研究分析该变换器的工作原理、控制方式与谐波特性,并且根据基波分析法提出简单、有效的解耦控制方法,可以有效降低多功率路径间的耦合程度,提高系统动态响应能力;搭建400 W的实验样机,进行控制方式对比试验、典型工作模式切换试验、解耦控制对比试验,验证该变换器的可行性及所提解耦控制策略的解耦效果.
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