Application of binary connection number-projection grey target decision theory in power system emergency capability evaluation |
Zhen-yu LI1( ),Xiao-guo CHEN1,Yong-chao SONG2,Jian-ping GONG2,Zhi-wei YU2,Yong-xing ZHU2,Zhou-xun LU2 |
1. Electric Power Research Institute of China Southern Power Grid, Guangzhou 510663, China 2. China Southern Power Grid Co. Ltd, Guangzhou 510663, China |
Abstract An evaluation method based on the binary connection number-projection gray target decision theory was introduced, and it was applied to the evaluation of power grid emergency capacity, due to the diversification of indicator data types in the evaluation of power grid emergency capacity. Firstly, a basic indicator system for power grid emergency capability evaluation with multiple data types was established through research and analysis. Secondly, the established multi-type indicator data system was processed using binary connection number theory to realize the unity of data composition form in order to facilitate subsequent analysis and calculation. Then, the weights division model of the indicators based on the network hierarchy analysis method was used to determine the weights of the power grid emergency capacity indicators, taking into account the inherent relationship between power grid emergency capacity indicators. Finally, the projected gray target decision model was used to determine the level and ranking of emergency capabilities of the object to be evaluated. Analysis results of an example show that this method can realize the processing of mixed indicator data, and effectively complete the evaluation and sequencing of the emergency capabilities of the objects to be evaluated, which is operable and feasible.
Received: 25 March 2020
Published: 10 June 2021
Fund: 中国南方电网有限责任公司科技资助项目(ZBKJXM20180039) |
在电网应急能力评估中存在指标数据类型多样化的问题,本研究介绍基于二元联系数-投影灰靶决策理论的评价方法,并将其应用在电网应急能力评估研究中. 通过研究分析建立具有多元化数据类型的电网应急能力评估基本指标体系;采用二元联系数理论对建立的多类型指标数据体系进行处理,实现数据组成形式上的统一,以便于后续的分析和计算;考虑到指标之间存在的内在联系,采用基于网络层次分析法的权重划分模型进行指标权重的确定;通过投影灰靶决策模型确定待评价对象应急能力水平与排序. 实例分析结果表明,该方法可以实现对混合指标数据的处理,并有效完成对待评价对象应急能力的评估与排序,是具有可操作性与可行性的.
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