Improved numerical method for two-way arterial signal coordinate control |
Jia-qi ZENG( ),Dian-hai WANG*( ) |
College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China |
Abstract A new improved numerical method was proposed aiming at the problem that the original numerical method cannot ensure the optimal solution. First, the range and mode of the movement of the ideal signal position were defined, and the concept of the initial ideal signal position was put forward. Then, a new definition of offset green ratio was proposed. The offset green ratio relative to the front and back initial ideal signal position were called the front and back projected green ratio, respectively. Finally, by finding the relationship between the green wave bandwidth and the front/back projected green ratio, it was proved that the change times of green wave bandwidth is equal to the number of intersections during the ideal signal movement. By pre-calculating the forward and back projected green ratio, redundant calculation of the loss green ratio was avoided after each movement of the ideal signal position. The results demonstrate that, the proposed method can obtain the maximum green wave bandwidth compared with the existing numerical method, and reduce the calculation amount when the results are the same.
Received: 18 October 2019
Published: 31 December 2020
Corresponding Authors:
Dian-hai WANG
E-mail: zengjiaqi@zju.edu.cn;wangdianhai@zju.edu.cn
针对经典数解法不能确保得到最优解的问题,提出新的改进数解算法. 明确理想信号位置的移动范围和移动方式,提出初始理想信号位置的概念;提出偏移绿信比的新定义,将信号相对于前、后方初始理想信号位置的偏移绿信比分别称为前、后投影绿信比;通过寻找绿波带宽度与前、后投影绿信比的关系,证明在理想信号移动的过程中绿波带宽度的变化次数等于干线交叉口的数量. 预先计算前、后投影绿信比,避免在移动理想信号位置时对绿时损失的重复计算. 研究结果表明,改进后的数解算法相比经典数解法,可以得到最大绿波带宽,并且在结果相同的情况下计算量更小.
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