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Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science)  2019, Vol. 53 Issue (10): 1994-2002    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2019.10.017
Automation Technology, Computer Technology     
Convolutional neural network acceleration algorithm based on filters pruning
Hao LI(),Wen-jie ZHAO*(),Bo HAN
College of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
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A new model acceleration algorithm of convolutional neural network (CNN) was proposed based on filters pruning in order to promote the compression and acceleration of the CNN model. The computational cost could be effectively reduced by calculating the standard deviation of filters in the convolutional layer to measure its importance and pruning filters with less influence on the accuracy of the neural network and its corresponding feature map. The algorithm did not cause the network to be sparsely connected unlike the method of pruning weight value, so there was no need of the support of special sparse convolution libraries. The experimental results based on the CIFAR-10 dataset show that the filters pruning algorithm can accelerate the VGG-16 and ResNet-110 models by more than 30%. Results can be close to or reach the accuracy of the original model by fine-tuning the inherited pre-training parameters.

Key wordsdeep learning      convolutional neural network (CNN)      model compress      filter      feature map     
Received: 05 December 2018      Published: 30 September 2019
CLC:  TP 183  
Corresponding Authors: Wen-jie ZHAO     E-mail:;
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Hao LI,Wen-jie ZHAO,Bo HAN. Convolutional neural network acceleration algorithm based on filters pruning. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2019, 53(10): 1994-2002.

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针对卷积神经网络(CNN)模型的压缩和加速问题,提出基于滤波器裁剪的新型卷积神经网络模型加速算法. 通过计算卷积层中滤波器的标准差值衡量该滤波器的重要程度,裁剪对神经网络准确率影响较小的滤波器及对应的特征图,可以有效地降低计算成本. 与裁剪权重不同,该算法不会导致网络稀疏连接,不需要应用特殊的稀疏矩阵计算库. 基于CIFAR-10数据集的实验结果表明,该滤波器裁剪算法能够对VGG-16和ResNet-110模型加速30%以上,通过微调继承的预训练参数可以使结果接近或达到原始模型的精度.

关键词: 深度学习,  卷积神经网络(CNN),  模型压缩,  滤波器,  特征图 
Fig.1 Pruning filters results in removal of their corresponding feature maps and related kernels in next layer
Fig.2 Pruning of ResNet model
Fig.3 Extraction of image features using traditional methods
Fig.4 Visualization feature maps of convolutional layer of pre-training model VGG-16 on ImageNet dataset
Fig.5 Pruning of pre-training model VGG-16 on CIFAR-10 dataset
卷积层 Fb/106 Fa/106 ΔF/%
conv 1_1 1.8 0.9 50
conv 1_2 38 19 50
conv 2_1 19 14.25 25
conv 2_2 38 28.5 25
conv 3_1 19 14.25 25
conv 3_2 38 28.5 25
conv 3_3 38 38 0
conv 4_1 19 9.5 50
conv 4_2 38 9.5 75
conv 4_3 38 9.5 75
conv 5_1 9.4 2.35 75
conv 5_2 9.4 2.35 75
conv 5_3 9.4 2.35 75
FC6 0.26 0.13 50
FC7 5.1×10?3 5.1×10?3 0
总量 315 179 43.2
Tab.1 Pruning of pre-training model VGG-16 on CIFAR-10 dataset
模型 y/% Fw/106 ΔF/% M/106 ΔM/%
VGG-16 93.33 313 ? 15 ?
VGG-16-A 93.47 179 43.2 5.4 64
ResNet-56 93.11 127 ? 0.85 ?
93.07 112 11.8 0.77 9.4
93.03 92.3 27.3 0.72 15.3
ResNet-110 93.62 256 ? 1.73 ?
ResNet-110-A 93.67 213 16.8 1.68 2.9
ResNet-110-B 93.48 155 39.5 1.14 34.1
ResNet-34 73.29 3 640 ? 21.6 ?
72.61 3 080 15.5 19.9 7.9
72.31 2 760 24.2 19.3 10.6
Tab.2 Results of pruning and retraining models
Fig.6 Pruning sensitivity of each convolution layer of ResNet-56/110 model
Fig.7 Pruning sensitivity of each convolution layer of ResNet-34 model
裁剪算法 微调 随机初值训练 多次迭代训练
m=20 m=40 m=60 m=20 m=40 m=60 m=20 m=40 m=60
标准差 72.37 64.85 53.36 72.41 64.93 53.31 72.65 65.16 54.45
APoZ 71.14 62.82 52.63 71.11 63.12 52.67 71.39 63.31 53.44
L1范数 72.28 64.77 53.35 72.33 64.76 53.39 72.47 64.81 53.56
Random 71.45 63.34 51.92 71.49 63.40 52.01 71.67 63.82 52.76
Mean Activation 71.62 63.42 51.39 71.61 63.59 51.41 71.83 63.71 52.13
Tab.3 Accuracy comparison of different pruning methods
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