Civil Engineering, Traffic Engineering |
Factors influencing permeability anisotropy of remolded kaolin |
Liang-gui YU1,2( ),Jian ZHOU1,2,*( ),Xiao-gui WEN1,2,Jie XU1,2,Ling-hui LUO1,2 |
1. Research Center of Coastal and Urban Geotechnical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China 2. Engineering Research Center of Urban Underground Development of Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China |
Abstract A series of experiments were conducted by triaxial permeameter to analysis the permeability anisotropy of soft soil. The effects of electrolyte type, ionic molar concentration and consolidation pressure on permeability anisotropy and the corresponding microscopic mechanisms were investigated, with remolded kaolin as the research object. Results showed that under one-dimensional consolidation, kaolin particles, most having flat structure, tended to orientate perpendicularly to the direction of the major principal stress and the pore area of remolded kaolin in vertical profile was much larger than that in horizontal profile. As a result, permeability anisotropy ratio (ratio of horizontal to vertical permeability coefficients) was greater than one. Permeability anisotropy ratio decreased with the increase of consolidation pressure, of which the main reason was that the amount of large pores, which had higher compressibility, in vertical profile was larger than that in horizontal profile. Malaysia kaolin has flocculated structure if prepared in ultrapure water, while has dispersed structure in saline solution. The measured permeability anisotropy ratio in ultrapure water was larger than that in saline solution, which was the consequence of more large pores in vertical profile than that in horizontal profile in ultrapure water. The vertical and horizontal profiles had similar amounts of large pores in saline solution. Test results also revealed that the electrolyte type and ionic molar concentration had little effect on the permeability anisotropy ratio of Malaysia kaolin.
Received: 04 February 2018
Published: 21 February 2019
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