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Human-Computer Interaction and Pervasive Computing     
Wearable system to support proximity awareness for people with autism
JIANG Xin-long, CHEN Yi-qiang, LIU Jun-fa, HU Li-sha, SHEN Jian-fei
1. Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China; 
2. Beijing Key Laboratory of Mobile Computing and Pervasive Device, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China; 
3. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China; 
4. University of California Irvine, California 92697, USA
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A wearable auxiliary system was designed and implemented for the disability of people with autism in awareness of social proximity, which can help them to perceive, understand and respond to physical proximity with other people. A prototype system, ProCom was designed and developed, that combined self-build wearable device with a mobile phone application to support an individual in awareness of their real-time distance and orientation with interaction partners. Experimental results validated that ProCom was technically feasible and effective. ProCom system can not only support proximity awareness for people with autism in face-to-face social interactions, but also provide assistance to other researches on autism.

Published: 25 April 2017
CLC:  TP 391  
Cite this article:

JIANG Xin-long, CHEN Yi-qiang, LIU Jun-fa, HU Li-sha, SHEN Jian-fei. Wearable system to support proximity awareness for people with autism. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY (ENGINEERING SCIENCE), 2017, 51(4): 637-647.


针对自闭症患者的社交距离认知障碍问题,设计并实现了可穿戴辅助系统,帮助自闭症患者对社交距离进行感知、理解以及作出恰当反应. 具体来说,该可穿戴辅助系统包括可穿戴硬件设备以及智能应用程序. 实现了自然场景下,通过自闭症患者佩戴该系统实时准确地获得与社交对象之间的距离以及方向. 通过实验验证了该系统的可行性和有效性,该系统不仅能够为自闭症患者在面对面社交中提供社交距离的认知辅助,还能够为其他自闭症社交相关的研究提供基础.

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