Spatial resolution and its calibration method for Brillouin scattering based distributed sensors |
CUI He-liang1,2, ZHANG Dan1, SHI Bin1 |
1.School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China;2. Large Dam Safety
Supervision Center, State Electricity Regulatory Commission, Hangzhou 310014, China |
Abstract Spatial resolution is one of the important parameters for Brillouin scattering based distributed optical fiber sensing. The results of constant tensile load test were analyzed, and the strain distributions of point-by-point fixed fiber measured by two different spatial resolution respectively were compared. Then the influence of spatial resolution on measured strain was analyzed. Two spatial resolution calibration methods, including 10%~90% step-function method and hot-spot method, and their applicability were discussed. The dissimilar-fiber-splicing method was proposed to calibrate the spatial resolution. Dissimilar-fiber-splicing means two variant peak frequency fibers are alternately spliced in series with segments of different length. The calibration experiment shows that dissimilar-fiber-splicing method is accurate, objective, and comparative.
Published: 01 July 2013
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