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1.浙江大学 机械工程学系,浙江 杭州 310027; 2. 上海飞机制造有限公司,上海 200436
Approach for calibrating position of displacement sensor mounted on robot end-effector
YUAN Kang-zheng1, ZHU Wei-dong1, CHEN Lei2, XUE Lei2, QI Wen-gang2
1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China; 2. Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Limited Company, Shanghai 200436, China
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针对机器人末端激光位移传感器位置的标定问题,基于平面和球面模板拟合的标定模型,设计一种同时标定位移传感器方向和位置参数的标定方法.以机器人离线编程与机器人运动学仿真为基础,对2种标定算法进行系统的仿真对比实验.分析影响2种标定模板标定精度的影响因素,如传感器测量误差、测量长度以及标定参数数量.引入可观测指数来评价机器人运动空间中测量姿态的标定效率.通过优化算法计算得出一组近似最优测量姿态以及最佳评价指数,减少非建模误差以及测量误差对标定结果的影响,有效地提高算法的抵抗噪声能力、标定精度以及标定效率.实验结果表明,使用该标定方法标定后的位置参数标准差为0.37 mm,方向参数标准差为0.35°.


In order to calibrate the position and orientation of laser displacement sensors mounted on a robot, an approach was devised for calibrating the position and orientation parameters simultaneously, based on the model of plane and sphere fitting. A contrast experiment was proposed and conducted systematically based on robot off-line programming and robot kinematics simulation. Effects on the accuracy of the two calibration algorithm were also analyzed such as the measurement error, length of sensor and the number of calibration parameters. Observability indices were introduced to evaluate the efficiency of parameter identification with the measurement configurations in robot motion space. Optimal measurement configurations and best evaluation index were calculated using on optimization algorithm. The effects of the non-modeling error and measurement error are reduced. The stability, accuracy and efficiency of the algorithm are improved. Experiment results of our improved calibration algorithm indicate that the standard deviation of position is 0.37 mm , the standard deviation of orientation is 0.35°.

出版日期: 2015-12-26
:  TP 242  


通讯作者: 朱伟东,男,副教授     E-mail:
作者简介: 袁康正(1990-), 男,硕士,从事机器人精密制孔、视觉测量等研究.
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袁康正,朱伟东,陈磊,薛雷,戚文刚. 机器人末端位移传感器的安装位置标定方法[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2015.05.003.

YUAN Kang-zheng, ZHU Wei-dong, CHEN Lei, XUE Lei, QI Wen-gang. Approach for calibrating position of displacement sensor mounted on robot end-effector. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY (ENGINEERING SCIENCE), 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2015.05.003.


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