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徐兵, 潮群, 张军辉, 李莹
浙江大学 流体动力与机电系统国家重点实验室,浙江 杭州 310027
Slipper optimization model based on equilibrium coefficient
XU Bing, CHAO Qun, ZHANG Jun-hui, LI Ying
State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power Transmission and Control,Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
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为了解决轴向柱塞泵或马达的滑靴在工作中磨损严重的问题,提出基于平衡系数的滑靴优化模型.通过在力平衡方程中引入平衡系数,研究滑靴的动压效应、挤压效应以及热楔效应对滑靴受力的影响.通过在流量连续性方程中引入流量修正系数,研究滑靴阻尼孔的层流初始段效应、进口收缩与扩大引起的局部阻力损失对滑靴泄漏量的影响.该模型可以给出滑靴平衡系数和流量修正系数的数学表达式.在实际优化过程中,通过程序计算得出滑靴的平衡系数,校核并优化滑靴的主要尺寸.通过实验验证滑靴优化模型的正确性,结果表明:该模型可以解决滑靴磨损严重的问题,马达的温升降低14 ℃,总效率提高4.6%.


A slipper optimization model based on equilibrium coefficient was proposed in order to solve the problem of heavy wear and tear of slippers in an axial piston pump or motor. The impact of hydrodynamic effect, squeezing effect and hot-wedge effect were stuided by introducing equilibrium coefficient in the force balance equation. As for flow continuity equation,the impact of laminar flow initial segment effect of slipper orifice and local resistance loss caused by import contraction and expansion were stuided by introducing flow correction coefficient. Slipper optimization model provided mathematical expression of slipper’s equilibrium coefficient and flow correction coefficient.The value of slipper’s equilibrium coefficient was obtained by simulation procedure in the practical optimization process. The main dimensions of slipper could be verified and optimized.The slipper optimization model was validated by experiments, results showed that the problem of heavy wear and tear of slippers was solved successfully with the optimized model,resulting in a decrease of 14 ℃ in temperature and an increase of 4.6% in total efficiency in axial piston motor.

出版日期: 2015-06-01
:  TH 137  


作者简介: 徐兵(1971—),男,教授,博士,从事机电控制、流体动力元件与系统研究.E-mail:
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徐兵, 潮群, 张军辉, 李莹. 基于平衡系数的滑靴优化模型[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2015.06.002.

XU Bing, CHAO Qun, ZHANG Jun-hui, LI Ying. Slipper optimization model based on equilibrium coefficient. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY (ENGINEERING SCIENCE), 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2015.06.002.


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