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浙江大学学报(工学版)  2024, Vol. 58 Issue (4): 867-878    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2024.04.022
1. 浙江大学 工程师学院,浙江 杭州 310015
2. 浙江大学 电气工程学院,浙江 杭州 310027
3. 华北电力科学研究院有限责任公司,北京 100045
Transient stability analysis of direct-driven wind turbines based on self-synchronous control
Zijun WANG1(),Kehao ZHUANG2,Huanhai XIN1,2,*(),Dawei SUN3,Linlin WU3,Xiao WANG3
1. Polytechnic Institute, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310015, China
2. College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
3. North China Electric Power Research Institute Limited Company, Beijing 100045, China
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随着大规模风电的接入,电网面临系统变弱及调频能力变差的问题. 直驱风电机组采用自同步控制,在有效提升设备自身的小扰动稳定性和对电网的支撑能力的同时也带来了复杂的暂态稳定问题. 为此,针对2种典型的控制结构(功率自同步和直流电压自同步)分别建立风机系统暂态模型,揭示机侧动态及直流电容动态对暂态特性的影响. 针对功率自同步型风电机组,分析频率跌落下风机系统的同步失稳风险;结果表明,机侧动态会降低风机系统在电压跌落下的稳定裕度. 针对直流电压自同步型风电机组,揭示暂态下直流电容动态导致的直流电压崩溃失稳风险. 总结对比储能和风电机组的暂态特性差异,讨论直驱风电机组的暂态控制设计思路. 基于Matlab/Simulink的时域仿真模型验证理论分析的正确性及控制的有效性.

关键词: 自同步控制直驱风电机组暂态稳定机侧动态直流电容动态控制设计    

Large-scale integration of wind turbines results in the reduction of frequency modulation capability and weakens the power grid strength. The self-synchronous control adopted by direct-driven wind turbines (WTs) can effectively improve the small disturbance stability of the unit and its ability to support the power grid. However, self-synchronous control also brings complex transient stability issues. The WTs transient models were established respectively aiming at two typical control structures (the power self-synchronous and the DC voltage self-synchronous), and the effects of machine-side dynamics and DC capacitance dynamics on the transient characteristics were revealed. Firstly, the synchronous instability risk of direct-driven wind turbines based on power self-synchronous control under frequency drop was analyzed, and results showed that the stability margin under voltage drop would be reduced by the machine-side dynamics. As for the direct-driven wind turbines based on DC voltage self-synchronous control, the risk of DC voltage collapse instability caused by DC capacitance dynamic under transient was revealed. Then, the transient characteristic differences between converter and WTs were summarized and compared, and the transient control design concepts of WTs were discussed. Finally, the time-domain simulations based on Matlab/Simulink were given to verify the accuracy of the theoretical analysis and the effectiveness of the control.

Key words: self-synchronous control    direct-driven wind turbines    transient stability    machine-side dynamics    DC capacitance dynamic    control design
收稿日期: 2023-06-14 出版日期: 2024-03-27
CLC:  TP 393  
基金资助: 华北电力科学研究院项目(KJZ2021058).
通讯作者: 辛焕海     E-mail:;
作者简介: 王子骏(1999—),男,硕士生,从事新能源电力系统稳定分析与控制研究.
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王子骏,庄可好,辛焕海,孙大卫,吴林林,王潇. 自同步型直驱风电机组暂态稳定分析[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2024, 58(4): 867-878.

Zijun WANG,Kehao ZHUANG,Huanhai XIN,Dawei SUN,Linlin WU,Xiao WANG. Transient stability analysis of direct-driven wind turbines based on self-synchronous control. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2024, 58(4): 867-878.


图 1  自同步型直驱风电机组控制结构
图 2  设备交互动态
图 3  频率波动下风机系统暂态响应
图 4  功率自同步型直驱风机虚拟功角曲线
图 5  直流电压自同步型直驱风机虚拟功角曲线
图 6  电压跌落下风机系统的相图
表 1  储能与直驱风机的暂态特性对比
下垂控制01/ KpPM0
直流电压自同步直流自同步$ K_{\text{J}}^{{\text{eq}}} $$ K_{\text{D}}^{{\text{eq}}} $Ps$ K_{\text{T}}^{{\text{eq}}}(V_{{\text{DC}}}^{\text{2}} - V{_{{\text{DC}}}^{{\text{ref}}\;2}}) $
惯性同步CDC VDC00Ps0
表 2  网侧等效动态参数
图 7  网侧等效动态及暂态控制实例
图 8  频率跌落下的风机系统时域仿真波形
图 9  功率自同步型风电机组时域仿真波形(SCR=5)
表 3  系统极限故障切除时间
图 10  直流电压自同步型风电机组时域仿真波形(SCR=5)
图 11  电压跌落下的时域仿真波形(SCR=2)
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