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浙江大学学报(工学版)  2021, Vol. 55 Issue (5): 935-947    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2021.05.014
1. 浙江大学 电气工程学院,浙江 杭州 310027
2. 浙江科技学院 自动化与电气工程学院,浙江 杭州 310023
Study on flexible operation region of power system considering source and load fluctuation
Fu-lin ZHAO1(),Tong ZHANG1,Guang MA1,Zhe CHEN1,Chuang-xin GUO1,*(),Jin-jiang ZHANG2
1. College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
2. College of Automation and Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China
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为了评估电力系统应对和响应不确定因素的能力,以系统的源-荷波动作为研究对象,提出电力系统灵活性运行域(PSFOR)的概念,即在保证一定灵活性运行水平下电力系统所能接受的最大不确定性因素波动范围. 在此基础上,阐述灵活性运行域的边界和应用范围,并构建包含源-荷波动区间和运行经济性的数学优化模型,提出极限场景法(ESM)和基于列和约束生成的鲁棒优化算法(CRO)对模型进行求解. 通过对6节点系统和IEEE RTS-39节点系统进行仿真计算验证所提算法的合理性和有效性,并将平均值和标准差作为灵活性运行域的评价指标,进一步分析各种灵活性资源对运行域的影响. 结果表明,灵活性运行域可以有效反映系统的运行状态和接纳的不确定性范围,能够为电网的规划和调度运行提供一定的理论指导.

关键词: 风电并网需求响应灵活性运行域极限场景鲁棒优化    

In order to evaluate the power system’s ability to cope with various uncertain factors, a novel concept named power system flexible operation region (PSFOR) was proposed by taking the source and load fluctuation of the system as the research object, which can be used to assess the maximum range of uncertainties that can be accepted by power grid under a certain level of flexible operation. The boundary and the application scope of the PSFOR were expounded on this basis, then an optimization model including source-load fluctuation ranges as well as operating economy was constructed. The extreme scenario method (ESM) and C&CG-based robust optimization (CRO) algorithm were put forward to solve the above model. Simulations on 6-bus system and IEEE RTS 39-bus system verified the effectiveness of the proposed methods. Then the average value and the standard deviation were used as evaluation indexes of FOR to analyze the influence of various flexible resources on PSFOR. Results show that the PSFOR can effectively reflect the operation state and the uncertainty range that can be accepted, and further provide theoretical guidance for the planning and dispatching of power grid.

Key words: wind power integration    demand response    flexible operation region    extreme scenario    robust optimization
收稿日期: 2020-05-17 出版日期: 2021-06-10
CLC:  TM 732  
基金资助: 国家重点研发计划资助项目(2017YFB0902600);国家电网公司科技资助项目(52110418000T)
通讯作者: 郭创新     E-mail:;
作者简介: 赵福林(1994—),男,硕士生,从事电力系统风险评估与灵活性运行研究. E-mail:
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赵福林,张通,马光,陈哲,郭创新,张金江. 考虑源-荷波动的电力系统灵活性运行域研究[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2021, 55(5): 935-947.

Fu-lin ZHAO,Tong ZHANG,Guang MA,Zhe CHEN,Chuang-xin GUO,Jin-jiang ZHANG. Study on flexible operation region of power system considering source and load fluctuation. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2021, 55(5): 935-947.


图 1  电力系统灵活性运行域求解算法流程图
图 2  6节点系统接线图
时刻 L*/MW Pw*/MW 时刻 L*/MW Pw*/MW
1 373.78 155.26 13 439.16 41.56
2 349.76 186.82 14 416.24 54.22
3 344.56 167.92 15 400.19 47.92
4 340.31 180.52 16 397.89 28.96
5 345.95 186.82 17 413.21 16.30
6 375.48 167.92 18 435.14 22.30
7 422.42 180.52 19 451.94 22.66
8 432.06 142.66 20 458.69 41.56
9 449.82 123.70 21 435.18 60.52
10 456.00 79.48 22 410.32 104.74
11 461.46 35.26 23 416.44 148.96
12 459.86 54.22 24 394.54 174.22
表 1  6节点系统负荷及风电预测值
谷时段 平时段 峰时段
00:00~06:00 06:00~08:00
表 2  峰平谷各时段划分情况
图 3  分时电价前、后系统负荷曲线
图 4  电力系统灵活性运行域计算结果
图 5  风电/负荷权重系数对灵活性运行域的影响
$\varepsilon $ ESM CRO
S t S t
0 158.83 17.64 162.93 13.71
50 161.56 17.28 164.57 13.48
100 164.51 17.75 166.80 13.96
150 167.18 17.65 168.49 13.71
200 169.17 17.91 169.84 13.93
250 172.65 18.21 172.93 14.26
300 173.70 18.24 173.83 14.50
350 175.96 18.11 176.04 14.26
400 177.42 18.22 177.51 14.39
表 3  不同容许度下的风电灵活性运行域面积
图 6  不同最大容许度对灵活性运行域的影响
图 7  IEEE RTS-39节点系统接线图
时刻 L*/MW P* w,1/MW P* w,2/MW 时刻 L*/MW P* w,1/MW P* w,2/MW
1 4983.8 726.3 410.4 13 5945.5 157.8 221.1
2 4663.4 884.1 473.7 14 5669.8 221.1 94.8
3 4594.1 789.6 505.2 15 5335.9 189.6 63.3
4 4537.5 852.6 568.5 16 5305.1 94.8 284.1
5 4612.6 884.1 536.7 17 5509.4 31.5 252.6
6 5006.3 789.6 473.7 18 5801.9 61.5 252.6
7 5632.2 852.6 410.4 19 6025.9 63.3 315.9
8 5760.8 663.3 315.9 20 6115.9 157.8 378.9
9 5997.5 568.5 473.7 21 5802.4 252.6 347.4
10 6080.0 347.4 189.6 22 5471.0 473.7 473.7
11 6152.8 126.3 94.8 23 5552.6 694.8 410.4
12 6131.5 221.1 189.6 24 5260.6 821.1 442.2
表 4  IEEE RTS-39节点系统负荷及风电预测值
方案 系统基准
1 $6.126\;9 \times {10^5}$ $4.705 \times {10^4}$ $6.413\;0 \times {10^5}$ $1.844 \times {10^4}$ ${\rm{1}}{\rm{.255\;5}} \times {10^{\rm{4}}}$
2 $6.060\;4 \times {10^5}$ $4.950 \times {10^4}$ $6.397\;5 \times {10^5}$ $1.579 \times {10^4}$ ${\rm{1}}{\rm{.373\;6}} \times {10^{\rm{4}}}$
3 $6.143\;3 \times {10^5}$ $4.541 \times {10^4}$ $5.459\;7 \times {10^5}$ $1.333 \times {10^4}$ ${\rm{1}}{\rm{.392\;9}} \times {10^{\rm{4}}}$
4 $6.104\;4 \times {10^5}$ $4.510 \times {10^5}$ $6.442\;1 \times {10^5}$ $1.133 \times {10^4}$ ${\rm{1}}{\rm{.506\;3}} \times {10^{\rm{4}}}$
表 5  不同方案下风电灵活性运行域计算结果
图 8  不同因素对风电灵活性运行域的影响
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